Grado en Inglés (2009)
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo
6 Obligatoria Tercer 1Q
Lengua de impartición
Departamento Estudios Ingleses y Alemanes
Correo-e john.style@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante <p>En este curso introductorio, los estudiantes leerán algunas obras influyentes en la historia literaria inglesa y se enfrentarán a debates sobre la función, el poder y el alcance de los textos literarios. Seguiremos un camino cronológico desde el período medieval hasta el posmodernismo para apreciar cómo los escritores literarios, a lo largo de este período, adoptaron y desarrollaron ciertas formas y características para servir a sus propios propósitos ideológicos y estéticos. El curso se divide en tres partes, centrándose en la poesía, el teatro y la ficción. Leeremos detenidamente las formas tradicionales y radicales de cada medio, para considerar las diferentes formas en que la literatura puede llevarse más allá de nuestras nociones tradicionales de narración. La clase se basará en gran medida en la discusión, con gran énfasis en la participación y la preparación de los estudiantes. El curso desarrollará las habilidades esenciales para los estudios literarios en inglés, incluido un vocabulario específico de la disciplina y habilidades en análisis e investigación literarios y críticos.</p><div><br /></div>

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A5 Dominar la lengua inglesa desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico y expresarse oralmente y por escrito de manera fluida y precisa
 A6 Analizar las obras más relevantes de la literatura en lengua inglesa en sus diversos entornos culturales
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
 CT7 Aplicar los principios éticos y de responsabilidad social como ciudadano o ciudadana y como profesional.
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultados de aprendizaje
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A5 Elabora un discurso oral y/o escrito conciso y coherente a fin de comunicar los resultados del trabajo realizado a un nivel avanzado.
 A6 Conoce los principales géneros y formas literarias en lengua inglesa.
Se familiariza con las principales técnicas literarias de la narrativa, el teatro y la poesía.
Analiza y comenta textos literarios de forma oral y/o escrita.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 CT7 Conocer las principales desigualdades y discriminaciones que se producen por razones de género u otros motivos y comprender sus causas.
Reconocer y reflexionar sobre las necesidades y problemáticas sociales e implicarse en la mejora de la comunidad.
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Actividades introductorias
1 1 2
Sesión magistral
20 30 50
30 25 55
3 12 15
Estudios previos
5 20 25
Atención personalizada
1 2 3
Pruebas mixtas
15 15 30
Pruebas orales
1 3 4
Pruebas de desarrollo
10 30 40
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Actividades introductorias Introductory sessions will offer an overview of the coursework and will address key terms and concepts for discussing literature.
Sesión magistral These lectures will constitute the main theoretical input of the course. Exemplification will often be with previously assigned readings. Familiarity with and understanding of the content of these lectures and how it applies to the texts studied will be tested in the three tests.
Seminarios These sessions will provide practice in discussing key texts. It is important that you prepare the texts to be discussed before coming to class. The seminars will give you the opportunity to express your opinions and analysis orally, to raise questions, iron out difficulties and learn.
Trabajos You will be given a total of three texts on which to write a commentary/essay for each. Written work will be structured along lines indicated by the tutor, and will range from answering comprehension questions, to a more open critical essay format.
Estudios previos These anticipatory studies will take the form of a journal, in which each student will record the impression and experience of reading assigned texts, and the issues they raise, before class discussion. They will also typically contain a reflection after the relevant class, recording how the student's understanding has been effected by the discussion in class. They are a record of personal learning. They are not a simple record of class discussion, or a collection of course notes. Students will be expected to make at least one or two entries per week of a minimum of 300 words total per week. These journals will be collected after the first three weeks, for orientation and feedback, and at the end of the course, for assessment.
Atención personalizada Students will be called for a brief interview with the tutor, in which they will be expected to answer questions on the course content, and specifically indicated texts.

Atención personalizada
Your tutor will be using your official URV email address to contact you at certain moments of the course. It is essential that you check this regularly. Most course material will be uploaded to Moodle. You are welcome to consult the tutor during the official published office hours, or by email at any time during the course.

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
To complete the CA requirements, you must hand in three written commentaries on the texts indicated by the tutor. These will increase in length and complexity and weight (proportional mark) as the course continues. If the three commentaries/essays are not handed in, you will not be eligible to pass on the CA alone. You must score a minimum of at least 3/10 for each piece of work, for it to count as completed for CA purposes. Good quality written English is a prerequisite to having your work's contents assessed. 30%
Pruebas mixtas
There will be three CA tests, done in class, one for each period studied in the course. You must take all three tests to be eligible to pass the course on the CA alone. Each test will have a Theory and Practical section, comprising questions requiring only short answers, and more extensive essay questions. Good quality written English is a prerequisite to having your test's contents assessed. 30%
Otros   <p> <p> <p>A journal, in which each student will record their personal learning experience of the course and of their reading of assigned texts. There must be at least one or two entries per week of a minimum of 300 words total per week. These journals will be collected after the first three weeks, for orientation and feedback, so that the students know they have understood the purpose of the journal. At the end of the course, completed journals will be handed in for assessment. The quality of the Student's written English will be taken into account in the marking. Handing in a completed journal is an obligatory component of the CA, without which the Student will not be eligible to pass the course on CA alone.</p> </p> </p> 40%
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

In all CA tests and Written Commentaries, students must achieve at least a 3/10 in each piece of work, for the CA requirement to have been deemed complete. In other words, a student who has less than a '3.0' in one of the CA tests will be obliged to take the complete Final Exam, in the Segona Convocatoria.

If you do not, or cannot, attend the class regularly and consequently do not complete the Continuous Assessment programme satisfactorily, you will have to take the Final Exam, in the Segona Convocatoria.

The Final Exam will consist of Theory and Practical sections, of equal weight. There will be questions with short answers of historical context, more extensive written answers of certain theoretical issues. In the Practical section there will be a combination of guided commentaries on specific, previously studied, texts, and essay questions, to test a wider-ranging understanding of the course content.

In cases where results are borderline, regular attendance (80%+) and active participation in class discussion may be taken into consideration, at the tutor's discretion.

Any instance of plagiarism, copying a text or ANY PART OF A TEXT from another source without proper reference or citation, so that effectively the work of another person is presented as the student's own, will result in the piece of work in which the instance occurs being evaluated as a '0'. This will imply the failure of the CA, and so will require the student to take the Final Exam. A recurrence of plagiarism in the same student's work will result in a '0' - Suspens being given as a final course mark.The use of translation software, other language apps, or another person, to improve the level of a student's writing to an artificially high level, i.e. to a level which is noticeably above their own writing level when they produce work in test conditions in class, is cheating, and so will result in a relevant piece of work being evaluated as a '0'. Consequently, the student will be obliged to go to the Segona Convocatoria.

Fuentes de información



You will find most of the basic required reading texts available through Moodle, plus links to sites of interest, or through the Campus Catalunya Photocopy service, as stipulated by the teacher.

You are strongly recommended to buy the exact editions recommended here, as they are among the best in terms of quality, with excellent introductions and notes. Other editions vary greatly in quality, and the variation in page numbering will prove inconvenient. In the case of the Shakespeare text, the actual text may vary depending on the edition, so ONLY the NEW CAMBRIDGE SHAKESPEARE edition is recommended. Be careful when you buy this - Cambridge editions have other series of Shakespeare plays, for high school students etc, and these are NOT recommended. If you check for the editor's name, R.A. Foakes, you will get the correct edition.

The Shakespeare and Austen texts will be announced on the first day of the course



Asignaturas que continúan el temario

Asignaturas que se recomienda cursar simultáneamente

Asignaturas que se recomienda haber cursado previamente
Otros comentarios
Regular attendance and participation in class are highly recommended.
(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.