Asignatura (*) EL INGLÉS COMO LENGUA ESTRANGERA Código 12274210
Grado en Inglés (2009)
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo
6 Optativa 2Q
Lengua de impartición
Departamento Estudios Ingleses y Alemanes
Correo-e tuanh.ha@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante <p class="Cuerpo">The objectives of this course are the following:</p><div><ul><li>To introduce students to the concepts about Teaching and Learning a second Language/foreign Language.</li><li>To learn about the main current theories, approaches, practices and activities in ELT.&nbsp;</li><li>To provide materials and activities to help students in their professional development as well as a reflection of their own teaching.</li></ul></div>

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A1 Demostrar que conoce las corrientes teóricas y metodológicas de la lingüística y sus aplicaciones
 A5 Dominar la lengua inglesa desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico y expresarse oralmente y por escrito de manera fluida y precisa
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultados de aprendizaje
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A1 Presenta una visión crítica de la investigación en torno a la adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera.
Conoce los principios básicos de la adquisición de segundas lenguas.
 A5 Muestra un manejo de la lengua inglesa (de forma oral y/o escrita) en contextos diversos a un nivel superior.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema
1. English teaching today: what do I need to know? 1.1 Teaching priorities
1.2 English as an international language
1.3 Language-acquisition theories and teaching methodologies
1.4 Computerized teaching materials
1.5 Motivation
2 The lesson 2.1 The lesson: different perspectives
2.2 Functions of the teacher in the English language lesson
2.3 Interaction patterns in the lesson
2.4 Lesson preparation
2.5 Written lesson plans
3 The text
3.1 What is a text?
3.2 Teaching the text: the goals
3.3 Comprehension of content
3.4 Language learning
3.5 Discourse analysis
3.6 Follow-up tasks
4 The task
4.1 The language-learning task
4.2 Task evaluation
4.3 Organizing tasks
4.4 Interest
4.5 Homework
5 Teaching vocabulary 5.1 What is vocabulary?
5.2 What students need to learn: aspects of vocabulary knowledge
5.3 How best to teach vocabulary: some facts and figures
5.4 Presenting new vocabulary: selection and presentation
5.5 Vocabulary review: consolidating and extending lexical knowledge
5.6 Vocabulary assessment
6 Teaching grammar 6.1 What is grammar?
6.2 What students need to learn: standards of grammatical acceptability
6.3 How best to teach grammar: explicit and implicit processes
6.4 Presenting grammar: explanations
6.5 Grammar practice:consolidating and automatizing grammatical knowledge
6.6 Grammar assessment
7 Error correction
7.1 Error correction: for and against
7.2 Attitudes to error correction
7.3 Student preferences
7.4 Oral correction
7.5 Written correction
8 The skills 8.1 Teaching reading
8.2 Teaching writing
8.3 Teaching listening
8.4 Teaching speaking
9 Assessment and testing 9.1 Functions and types of assessment
9.2 Giving a grade
9.3 Test design (1): testing accuracy
9.4 Test design (2): testing comprehension and fluency
9.5 Administering tests in class
10 The syllabus
10.1 What is a syllabus?
10.2 Types of language syllabus
10.3 Using an approved syllabus
10.4 Evaluating the syllabus
11 Materials 11.1 How necessary is a coursebook?
11.2 Coursebook evaluation and selection
11.3 Adapting course materials
11.4 Supplementary materials (1): paper
11.5 Supplementary materials (2): digital
12 Teaching content 12.1 Different kinds of content
12.2 Cultural content
12.3 Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
15.4 Literature as a component of the English course
15.5 Underlying messages
13 Classroom interaction
13.1 Teacher questioning
13.2 Group and pair work
13.3 Individual work
13.4 Blended learning
14 Learner differences 14.1 Age
14.2 teaching heterogeneous (mixed) classes
15 Teacher development 15.1 The first year of teaching
15.2 Lesson observation
15.3 Ongoing development
15.4 Development through reading and further study
15.5 Further development: your own contribution

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Actividades introductorias
6 0 6
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios
25 45 70
Foros de discusión
10 15 25
Lectura de documentación escrita / gráfica elaborada
10 30 40
Atención personalizada
5 0 5
Pruebas objetivas de tipo test
3 0 3
Pruebas mixtas
1 0 1
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Actividades introductorias Introductory activities- Introduction of the field and the different topics.
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios Problem solving, exercises- Students will be presented with some practical cases that will have to be analysed according to the theory studied.
Foros de discusión Forums of debate- The class will have a space where the teacher will post reflections and questions about the topics studied.
Lectura de documentación escrita / gráfica elaborada Reading written documents and graphs- The students will have to read many articles and boock chapters related to the topics.
Atención personalizada Personal attention- Students will be in touch with the teacher on a regular basis.

Atención personalizada

Students will be given individual and/or group tutorials during which they can resolve any questions that may have about the subject. Tutorials may be face-to-face or online. At the start of the academic year, students will be informed about how these personalised tutorials will take place (timetables, whether they will be face-to-face, by email, Moodle, etc.)

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios
The students will submit a portfolio at the end of the term that will include the exercises completed during this course. 20%
Foros de discusión
The students will include a response paper in their portfolio in relation to one of the topics debated during this course. 10%
Lectura de documentación escrita / gráfica elaborada
The students will include a brief summary of the different reading assignments in their portfolios.
Pruebas objetivas de tipo test
Students will complete 3 multiple-choice tests which will cover all the contents of the course. 30%
Pruebas mixtas
The students will be able to choose between:
1. Plannning a lesson of English as a foreign language using the template provided by the teacher. They will choose between a) delivering the lesson in class or b) deliver the lesson outside the class (in the event they are already working as EFL teachers). They will submit the plan and a more systematic and extensive checklist for lesson evaluation as well as a reflection of what went well/wrong. Due to time restrictions, the lecturer might request students to complete the lesson plan and delivery in pairs or small groups. In that event, the students need to include as part of their reflection, an observation of their fellow team members and a section in which they explain what things they would have made differently if they had worked alone.

2) Evaluating and selecting course materials for an EFL course of their choice. The materials evaluated need to be a minimum of three coursebooks. Students need to choose one and justify it. They also need to include the adaptations to the selected coursebook and the supplementary materials they would use.

This activity will be submitted as part of the students' portfolio. Instructions about length, format and structure will be offered at the begining of the term.
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

Students enrolled at the URV follow the ECTS system and are entitled to the calls for assessment indicated in the current undergraduate and master's degree regulations.

Fuentes de información

Course book:

Ur, P. (2021). A Course in English Language Teaching (2nd ed., A Course in English Language Teaching). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009024518

Useful resources:

Celce-Murcia, M. ; Donna M. Brinton; Marguerite Ann Snow (2014) Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. 4th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2001, 1991, 1979. 9781111351694
Conteh, Jean (2018) Translanguaging. ELT Journal 72(4), 445-447. Cots, Josep M.; Gallego-Balsà, L.; Llanes, A. (2022) Promoting translanguaging (or not) in the ESP classroom: An analysis of monoglossic and heteroglossic practices and discourses. System, 107, 102795 Károly, Adrienn ( 2014) Translation in foreign language teaching: A case study from a functional perspective. Linguistics and Education, 25,  90-107. Larsen-Freeman, Diane and Anderson, Marti (2011). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (3rd
ed.). Oxford University Press.  https://elt.oup.com/teachers/tplt/?cc=gb&selLanguage=en Lennon, Paul. (2020). The Foundations of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi-org.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/10.4324/9780429285998 Matsuda, Aya. (2017). Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language (3rd ed.). Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters. https://doi-org.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/10.21832/9781783097036 Moussu, L., & Llurda, E. (2008). Non-native English-speaking English language teachers: History and research. Language Teaching, 41(3), 315-348. doi:10.1017/S0261444808005028 Richards, Jack and Rogers, Theodore S. (2014).  Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. Rosa, Jonathan, and Nelson Flores, 'Reimagining Race and Language: From Raciolinguistic Ideologies to a Raciolinguistic Perspective', in H. Samy Alim, Angela Reyes, and Paul V. Kroskrity (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race (2020; online edn, Oxford Academic, 8 Oct. 2020), https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190845995.013.3 Rose, H., McKinley, J., & Galloway, N. (2021). Global Englishes and language teaching: A review of pedagogical research. Language Teaching, 54(2), 157-189. doi:10.1017/S0261444820000518 Surkamp, Carola and Britta Viebrock, eds. (2018). Teaching English as a Foreign Language: An Introduction. https://doi-org.ep.fjernadgang.kb.dk/10.1515/east-2019-0027 Thomas, P. (2017) The portrayal of non-westerners in EFL textbooks in Norway. Cogent Education, 4: 1275411 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2016.1275411 Young-Eun Lee & Cheri Chan (2022): Racialised Teaching of English Language in South Korea: Voices of University ELT teachers, Language, Culture and Curriculum, https://doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2022.2048001 Walkinshaw, Ian ; Oanh, Duongthi Hoang (2014) Native and Non-Native English Language Teachers: Student Perceptions in Vietnam and Japan. SAGE open, Vol.4 (2), p.215824401453445 Widdowson, H.G. (1994) The Ownership of English. TESOL Quarterly 28 (2), 377-389. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3587438?origin=JSTOR-pdf



(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.