Assignatura (*) SHAKESPEARE Codi 12274215
Grau d'Anglès (2009)
Cicle 1r
Descriptors Crèd. Tipus Curs Període
6 Optativa Segon
Llengua d'impartició
Departament Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant This course will be based on a study of Shakespeare's work through texts, films and theory. Importance will be given to readings which deal with the politics of gender, race and emotions.

Tipus A Codi Competències Específiques
 A13 Conèixer i aplicar les bases de la teoria de la literatura i de les teories estètiques.
Tipus B Codi Competències Transversals
Tipus C Codi Competències Nuclears

Resultats d'aprenentage
Tipus A Codi Resultats d'aprenentatge
 A13 Coneix les principals tècniques literàries de la ficció, el teatre, la poesia i el cinema
Tipus B Codi Resultats d'aprenentatge
Tipus C Codi Resultats d'aprenentatge

Tema Subtema
Introduction to Shakespeare Shakespeare and the Elizabethan context. Shakespeare under James VI
Cultural politics and Shakespeare
The Tempest Authority, power and the postcolonial
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 3 film versions of Hamlet. How do the films promote different readings?
Macbeth Macbeth & Cultural Studies. BBC Animated Version of Macbeth. Film version of Macbeth.

Metodologies  ::  Proves
  Competències (*) Hores a classe
Hores fora de classe
(**) Hores totals
Activitats Introductòries
4 2 6
Sessió Magistral
30 15 45
Presentacions / exposicions
14 28 42
2 20 22
Atenció personalitzada
6 0 6
Proves mixtes
3 30 33
(*) En el cas de docència no presencial, són les hores de treball amb suport vitual del professor.
(**) Les dades que apareixen a la taula de planificació són de caràcter orientatiu, considerant l’heterogeneïtat de l’alumnat

Activitats Introductòries The first few classes will be based on an overview of Shakespeare and his work through a power-point presentation of visual documents
Sessió Magistral Much of the course will be dedicated to reading texts. I shall be giving power-point presentations in lecture form to discuss the texts.
Presentacions / exposicions Part of the course assessment will be on group presentations of texts & contexts. The class will be divided into small groups and each group will work together on a subject of their choice. The dates of the presentations will be programmed at the beginning of the course.
Treballs There will be two written assignments during the course. The first will be a personal summary of the class presentation (deadline: one week after the presentation) and the second will be a final class essay - based on the whole module. The essay must follow the established guidelines (in your dossier).
Please DO NOT PLAGIARISE! If you do, your assignment will not be valid for grading.
Atenció personalitzada

Atenció personalitzada
My office hours will be posted on Moodle. Students can also contact me through e-mail or by telephone. and 977.559527

Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Presentacions / exposicions
The Oral Presentation in the form of a power-point will be worth a maximum of 20 points. 20%
The first assignment is to be written as a feedback exercise and summary of the group oral presentation. It will be worth a maximum of 20 points.

A final written essay (to be written in class) will be worth a maximum of 30 points. This essay will be based on the analysis of a passage of one of Shakespeare's plays.
Proves mixtes
Three tests to be done during the semester. Each test will be worth a maximum of 10 points.
Total points for three tests: 30 points.
Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Students who attend classes regularly but fail the continuous assessment:

If the sum of all your grades does not add up to 50%, you will have to take the resit exam which will consist of a 20 question test (20 marks) + 4 short essay questions (80 marks). The date of the exam will be registered on Moodle.
Regular attendance means not missing more than 5.

Students who do not attend classes regularly will be asked to do the following:

A 20-question test based on the texts discussed in class, that is all the texts in your dossier and those on Moodle. (20 marks)
You will have to take part in one of the regular class presentations on Wednesdays and write the first assignment. The class presentation will take place on the date agreed by your group. (40 marks)
You will be required to write a final essay in the exam. The subject of the essay will be based on the material studied throughout the course. (40 marks)

Fonts d'informació

Bàsica , Voice of the Shuttle, ,

Voice of the Shuttle

There will be a dossier of photocopied texts available in the photocopying room at the beginning of the semester. The dossier will contain some poetry, theoretical texts and bibliography. In addition, I shall be posting relevant articles and websites on Moodle and showing you illustrations and paintings on power-point. It is essential that you give me your e-mail address at the beginning of the course, and notify me if there is any change of address. The Library stocks a wide variety of books and DVDs on Shakespeare. There are numerous specialised websites on Shakespearean studies. Too many to list here!



(*)La Guia docent és el document on es visualitza la proposta acadèmica de la URV. Aquest document és públic i no es pot modificar, llevat de casos excepcionals revisats per l'òrgan competent/ o degudament revisats d'acord amb la normativa vigent