Subject (*) CIRCUIT THEORY I Code 17204105
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Compulsory Second 1Q
Department Electronic, Electric and Automatic Engineering
General description and relevant information <p> The information published in this guide corresponds to face-to-face classes and can serve as a guide. Due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19 there may be changes in teaching, assessment and calendars for the 2020-21 academic year. These changes will be reported in the Moodle space of each subject.</p><p>GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT:First part of the Circuits subject, which will be completed by Circuits Theory II. Basic circuits theory concepts, basic analysis of resistive circuits, systematic circuit analysis and monophasic circuits in sinusoidal steady state. </p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A2 Have knowledge of taking measurements, calculations, evaluations, valuations, surveys, studies, reports, work plans and other similar studies.
 RI4 Have knowledge of and use the theoretical principles of electrical circuits and machines.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B2 Have knowledge in basic and technological subjects, which gives them the ability to learn new methods and theories, and the versatility to adapt to new situations.
 CT5 Communicate information clearly and precisely to a variety of audiences
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A2 Apply the concepts of voltage divider and current divider to the analysis of circuits.
Know the ideal operational amplifier circuit and the concept of virtual short circuit.
Construct vector diagrams of voltages and currents.
Determine the active, reactive and apparent power in a electric circuit in SSS.
Know the methodology for improving the power factor.
 RI4 Know the basic concepts of TC: current, voltage, electrical circuit, network model, node, branch, bipole, connection laws (Kirchhoff).
Know the basic elements of electrical circuits.
Determine the secondary variables of power and energy for the elementary bipoles of electrical circuits.
Know the most common wave forms of electrical circuits.
Know the concept of networks with two ports.
Know the concept of bipolar equivalence and the different associations of active and passive elements.
Apply the concepts of voltage divider and current divider to the analysis of circuits.
Use the Thevenin and Norton theorems in the analysis of circuits.
Transform star configuration into delta, and vice versa.
Use concepts and theorems for the analysis of circuits: superfluous element, superimposition, reciprocity, compensation, maximum power transfer, Tellegen.
Know the ideal operational amplifier circuit and the concept of virtual short circuit.
Determine the number of independent equations of an electric circuit.
Analyse circuits using the loop method.
Analyse circuits using the basic group cut-off method.
Analyse circuits using the mesh method.
Analyse circuits using the nodal method.
Know the complex phasor and impedance and admittance concepts.
Construct vector diagrams of voltages and currents.
Analyse single-phase circuits in SSS with phasor techniques.
Analyse magnetically coupled circuits in SSS.
Determine the active, reactive and apparent power in a electric circuit in SSS.
Use the maximum power transfer theorem in SSS.
Know the importance of the power factor in the transport of electrical energy.
Know the methodology for improving the power factor.
Apply LC circuits with impedance transformers.
Know the real quality coefficients of a coil and capacitor.
Analyse resonant circuits in series and parallel.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B2 Know the basic concepts of TC: current, voltage, electrical circuit, network model, node, branch, bipole, connection laws (Kirchhoff).
Know the basic elements of electrical circuits.
Determine the secondary variables of power and energy for the elementary bipoles of electrical circuits.
Know the most common wave forms of electrical circuits.
Know the concept of networks with two ports.
Know the concept of bipolar equivalence and the different associations of active and passive elements.
Use the Thevenin and Norton theorems in the analysis of circuits.
Transform star configuration into delta, and vice versa.
Use concepts and theorems for the analysis of circuits: superfluous element, superimposition, reciprocity, compensation, maximum power transfer, Tellegen.
Determine the number of independent equations of an electric circuit.
Analyse circuits using the loop method.
Analyse circuits using the basic group cut-off method.
Analyse circuits using the mesh method.
Analyse circuits using the nodal method.
Know the complex phasor and impedance and admittance concepts.
Analyse single-phase circuits in SSS with phasor techniques.
Analyse magnetically coupled circuits in SSS.
Use the maximum power transfer theorem in SSS.
Know the importance of the power factor in the transport of electrical energy.
Apply LC circuits with impedance transformers.
Know the real quality coefficients of a coil and capacitor.
Analyse resonant circuits in series and parallel.
 CT5 Produce quality texts that have no grammatical or spelling errors, are properly structured and make appropriate and consistent use of formal and bibliographic conventions
Draw up texts that are structured, clear, cohesive, rich and of the appropriate length
Draw up texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation, consistent and persuasive.
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
I. Fundamentals and Elementary Analysis of Resistive Circuits - Fundamentals and basic elements of the network model.
- Two-port equivalence: association, Thevenin-Norton, etc.
- Elementary Analysis of resistive circuits.
II. Systematic Analysis of Circuits - Fundamentals of the systematic methods, number of independent equations.
- Node voltage method.
- Mesh current method.
- Circuits with operational amplifiers.
III. Circuits in Sinusoidal Steady State (SSS). - Phasor transformed circuit. Phasor diagrams.
- Power in SSS. Maximum power transfer.
- Circuits with magnetically coupled inductors.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
3 3 6
27 27 54
Problem solving, exercises
14 36 50
Laboratory practicals
12 24 36
Personal attention
1 0 1
Mixed tests
3 0 3
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Course presentation at the classroom.
First contact with the laboratory: groups, table assignment, additional equipment, etc.
Lecture Lectures: theoretical contents combined with significant examples.
Problem solving, exercises At the classroom: problem solving, test questions, partial exams examples and Student doubts.
At home: exercise proposal at the Virtual Campus. Before each partial exam Students submit some exercises to be graded.
Laboratory practicals Mandatory previous work before each laboratory session must be submitted at the Virtual Campus (moodle) to be graded.
Mandatory-attendance sessions to the laboratory (two-person teams) where team work and active individual participation are assessed.
A final report with the results obtained has to be provided. The abilities in applying methods and procedures to measure and understand results according to the theoretical foundations together with writing skills will be assessed.
Personal attention Individual or small group consultations at the professors office and/or at the Virtual Campus doubts forum.

Personalized attention

Professors' office hours to solve students’ doubts. Due to the health emergency, online meetings can be appointed by email from student addresses "". Other online contact procedures such as sharing questions and answers at the Virtual Campus forums, where students can interact under the professors supervision, are also available. In addition to individual meetings, small groups sessions can also be appointed.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises
Lliuraments de tests i problemes abans de les proves parcials previstes. Es preveu que l'estructura sigui similar a la de les proves. 10 %
Laboratory practicals
Lliurament obligatori dels estudis previs. (10 %)
Assistència i realització obligatòries de les pràctiques amb lliurament de memòries. (20 %).
Es preveu la realització d'una sessió introductòria i d'un mínim de 5 pràctiques
30 %
Mixed tests
3 Proves d'uns 90 minuts a l'aula ordinària amb preguntes de tipus test i problemes. Donat el caràcter acumulatiu de l'assignatura el pes de les proves es va incrementant: 15 % la primera, 20 % la segona i 25 % la tercera prova. 60 %

Es valora la participació constructiva a les classes i al Campus Virtual.

Other comments and second exam session

Per aprovar l'assignatura és necessari obtenir un mínim de 4/10 a la qualificació de pràctiques de laboratori i un mínim de 4/10 a la qualificació conjunta de les proves mixtes, resolució de problemes i exercicis. És obligatori fer totes les pràctiques i proves mixtes.

La qualificació de pràctiques de laboratori té un pes del 30 % a les dues convocatòries. Per tal de valorar la qualificació final de les pràctiques, els professors poden fer proves addicionals de pràctiques de tipus individual.

La segona convocatòria consistirà en una prova mixta (test i/o problemes) de tot el temari amb un pes del 70 %. No es farà cap prova específica per avaluar les pràctiques de laboratori a la segona convocatòria perquè han de ser realitzades obligatòriament durant el període d'avaluació continuada.

Els exàmens es realitzaran de forma presencial. A causa de l'emergència sanitària, en cas de confinament o de restriccions en la mobilitat, els exàmens es farien online en les dates previstes.

Durant la realització de les proves presencials, els estudiants no podran fer servir cap dispositiu de comunicació i transmissió de dades si no reben indicacions expresses del professor permetent el seu ús. En cas de proves individuals online, únicament es faran servir dispositius de comunicacions i transmissions de dades per a la realització de les proves i la comunicació amb el professor que supervisa cada prova. La comunicació amb altres estudiants o amb terceres persones durant la realització d'una prova ha de ser autoritzada expressament pel professor que supervisa la prova.

Amb els objectius de verificar la identitat dels estudiants, de garantir-los els drets d'avaluació i de donar-los el suport necessari, tant les proves online com l'atenció personalitzada online poden requerir la visualització en remot d'imatges proporcionades pels dispositius de comunicació que es facin servir. L'estudiant ha d'avisar les persones que hi conviuen de tals circumstàncies, i recomanar-los que no accedeixin a l'entorn durant la realització de la prova o consulta. En tot cas, la URV no és la responsable de la visualització incidental d'imatges que puguin afectar la vida privada i familiar de l'estudiant. No és permès que l'estudiant capti imatges sense autorització expressa. El professorat, si ho considera oportú, pot demanar que l'estudiant ensenyi un document identificatiu per acreditar-ne la identitat.

Sources of information

Basic Fraile Mora, Circuitos Eléctricos, Pearson Educación, 2012

Complementary Carlson, Circuitos, Thomson Learning, 2001
Gómez et al. , Fundamentos de Teoría de Circuitos , Thompson Paraninfo , 2007
Gómez et al., Teoría de Circuitos. Ejercicios de autoevaluación, Thompson Paraninfo, 2005
Sánchez et al., Teoria de Circuitos. Problemas y pruebas objetivas orientadas al aprendizaje, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007


Subjects that continue the syllabus

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
PHYSICS I/17204003
PHYSICS II/17204004
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.