Subject (*) PROGRAMMING Code 17224114
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Telematics engineering (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Compulsory Second 1Q
Department Computer Engineering and Mathematics
General description and relevant information This course is an introduction to Object-Oriented Programming. Lectures in the morning are given in Catalan, and the lectures in the afternoon are given in English.
In this subject you only have the right to make the exam, because the degree you are studying is going to be extinguished. You have to take a look the timetable of the subject to know the exam's date. If you need an extraordinary exam session, you have to enrol for this, presenting an application to the secretariat of your campus or faculty.

Topic Sub-topic
1.Basics of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): data organization in classes. 1.1 Classes, objects, methods and instances. Constructors.
1.2 Class modifiers (public, private, static, ...).
1.3 Composition in classes. Enumerates.
1.4 Introduction to the basic data structures.
2. Object-Oriented Programming in detail: Inheritance and Polimorphism. 2.1 Inheritance: superclasses and subclasses. Protected.
2.2 Class hierarchy. The Object class.
2.3 Polimorphism.
2.4 Abstract classes and methods.
2.5 Final Classes and methods.
2.6 Interfaces.

3.Introduction to the design of applications using OOP. 3.1 Packages.
3.2 Exceptions.
3.3 Data flows: files.
3.4 Design of a graphical interface.
3.5 Introduction to UML.

Atenció personalitzada
Personal attention will be given at the teacher's office (143). It is recommended to contact with the teachers by email in advance to agree with the date/time.

Other comments and second exam session

If the student cannot pass the course in the first round, a second chance is available (see the calendar at ETSE website). Only the part failed must be repeated (the practical part or the exams part):

  • The final exam at the second round will cover all the course (60%)
  • To pass the practical part in the second round a different final practical exercise must be done (40%).
During exams it is prohibited the use of any communication or data transmission device. If you do not follow this rule, the exam will be not reviewed and you will automatically get a Fail.

Fonts d'informació
Basic Herbert Schildt, Java 8, última edició,
Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Java. Cómo programar, última edició disponible,

In addition to the books recommended in this section (in Spanish),

you can also use the following books in English, which are available at the Campus Sescelades library:

- Java: How to program. Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel. Ed.Prentice Hall (004.43 JAVA Dei).

Sams teach yourself Java in 24 hours, Cadenhead, Rogers. Pearson Education [distributor], 2012

Complementary J.Cohoon, J. Davidson , Programación en Java 5.0, última edició disponible,
Rogers CadenHead, Programación Java 7, última edició disponible,
David Camacho, Jose M Valls, Jesus Garcia i altres, Programación, Algoritmos y ejercicios resueltos en JAVA, última edició disponible,

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.