Subject (*) FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS Code 17234002
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Computer engineering (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Basic Course First 2Q
Department Electronic, Electric and Automatic Engineering
Computer Engineering and Mathematics
General description and relevant information Structure, organization, logical design, operation and interconnection of computers; programming and performance of assembly language; Use of operating systems.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 FB4 Have basic knowledge on the use and programming of computers, operating systems, databases and IT programmes applicable to engineering.
 FB5 Have knowledge of the structure, organisation, functioning and interconnection of IT systems, the basics of their programming, and their application in solving problems inherent in engineering.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B2 Have knowledge in basic and technological subjects, which gives them the ability to learn new methods and theories, and the versatility to adapt to new situations.
 CT2 Gestionar la informació i el coneixement mitjançant l’ús eficient de les TIC
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 FB4 Understand the correspondence between the fundamental elements of high level languages and the elements of machine language that support them.
Use the software development and debugging tools, specifically in the field of low level programming
Use the resources provided by an operating system from the user interface.
 FB5 Avalua valors expressats en diferents bases de numeració, especialment en binari i hexadecimal, sent capaç de convertir valors entre base decimal i base 2 o base 16 i viceversa, a més de saber realitzar operacions aritmètiques bàsiques (sumar, restar) amb valors naturals i sencers codificats en complement a 2
Know the different components of an IT system composed of machines and programmes.
Understand the functioning, relationships and level structure of a computer.
Analyse combinational logic circuits.
Analyse sequential logic circuits.
Synthesise basic finite-state machines.
Understand the organisation and functioning of Von Neumann architecture systems: processor, memory, and input/output.
Understand the functioning of the digital elements that constitute a processor (ALU, registry, address calculation, sequencer, etc.) and understand how they are involved in the execution of programmes written in machine language.
Understand the correspondence between the fundamental elements of high level languages and the elements of machine language that support them.
Understand and evaluate the essential factors that affect the execution time of a programme.
Understand the functioning of an operating system as a resource manager in the IT system.
Use the resources provided by an operating system from the user interface.
Sintetitza programes escrits en llenguatge màquina
Analitza la relació entre un programa escrit en pseudocodi o en algun altre llenguatge d'alt nivell amb la seva corresponent versió en llenguatge màquina
Comprèn el funcionament de les eines de compilació, acoblament i enllaçat, en el seu paper de generació de codi màquina a partir del codi font.
Utilitza les eines de desenvolupament i depuració de programari, específicament en l'àmbit de programació a baix nivell
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B2 Avalua valors expressats en diferents bases de numeració, especialment en binari i hexadecimal, sent capaç de convertir valors entre base decimal i base 2 o base 16 i viceversa, a més de saber realitzar operacions aritmètiques bàsiques (sumar, restar) amb valors naturals i sencers codificats en complement a 2
Know the different components of an IT system composed of machines and programmes.
Understand the functioning, relationships and level structure of a computer.
Understand combinational logic circuits.
Understand sequential logic circuits.
Analyse basic finite-state machines.
Analyse the organisation and functioning of Von Neumann architecture systems: processor, memory, and input/output.
Analyse the functioning of the digital elements that constitute a processor (ALU, registry, address calculation, sequencer, etc.) and understand how they are involved in the execution of programmes written in machine language.
Understand the essential factors that affect the execution time of a programme.
Avalua els diferents components del llenguatge màquina: organització de la memòria, codificació d'instruccions / dades, seqüenciament del programa, operands d'una instrucció, mètodes d'adreçament, tipus d'instruccions, ús de la pila, implementació de rutines, etc.
Sintetitza programes escrits en llenguatge màquina
Analitza la relació entre un programa escrit en pseudocodi o en algun altre llenguatge d'alt nivell amb la seva corresponent versió en llenguatge màquina
Comprèn el funcionament de les eines de compilació, ensamblador i enllaçat, en el seu paper de generació de codi màquina a partir del codi font.
Utilitza les eines de desenvolupament i depuració de programari, específicament en l'àmbit de programació a baix nivell
 CT2 Domina les eines per gestionar la pròpia identitat i les activitats en un entorn digital
Cerca i obté informació de manera autònoma amb criteris de fiabilitat i pertinença
Organitza la informació amb les eines adients (en línia i presencials) que li permetin desenvolupar les seves activitats acadèmiques
Elabora informació amb les eines i formats adients a la situació comunicativa, i ho fa de manera honesta
Utilitza les TIC per compartir i intercanviar informació
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
Organization and Functions of a Computer System
Computer information
Logic design Combinational logic-circuits.
Sequential logic-circuits.
Analysis of basic finite-state machines.
Machine and assembly language
Basic operating system use

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1 0 1
29 25 54
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
15 15 30
Laboratory practicals
26 29 55
Personal attention
1 0 1
Multiple-choice objective tests
1 2 3
Practical tests
1 2 3
Extended-answer tests
1 2 3
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Explanation of the objectives, content and assessment process.
Lecture Explanation of theoretical concepts using slides and blackboard. The teacher will ask questions to the students to develop their own solutions to the issues raised.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom During the course, the teacher will present exercises related to the theoretical context presented in lectures.
Laboratory practicals Application of theoretical knowledge to specific situations, using computers, simulators and other practical elements of the laboratories.
Personal attention Teachers will be available during class and office hours, to meet students and answer any questions that were raised during the development of the subject.

Personalized attention
Students can attend in person to the office of professor in office hours to ask him any questions related to the theoretical explanation and practical implementation issues or developments and practical difficulties in the learning process.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Multiple-choice objective tests
Several objective tests of short questions and / or multiple choice.
- 1st part exam (30%)
- 2nd part exam (30%)
Practical tests
Laboratories. Resolution, in group, of the laboratory practice: preliminary analysis, design, implementation, and documentation. In some practices: individual oral defense (interview).
- 1st part Laboratories/Practice (15%)
- 2nd part Laboratories/Practice (15%)
Extended-answer tests
Problem of translating high-level to assembler code.
- ARM Problem (10%)

You can get up to 1 point added to the final grade, doing optional activities that arise in various laboratories.

+1 punt
Other comments and second exam session

The assessment elements of the course are 5: 1st part exam, 1st part laboratories/practice, 2nd part exam, problem of translating high-low level code, 2nd part laboratories/practice.

Students must obtain a minimum score in each of the 5 elements of assessment in order to pass the course. If any element of assessment does not reach the minimum, the final mark of the course shall not exceed 4.5. The minimum score is the same in the 1st and in the 2nd examination period.

The evaluation will be continuously during 1st examination period.

In the 2nd period the assessment will consist of two exams (1st part, 2nd part), a problem (ARM) and a second deadline to deliver the Laboratories/Practice of 1st and 2nd part. Students must examine the elements of evaluation that have not obtained the minimum score in 1st call. If submitted in 2nd period, the note will be that of the 2nd period (whether it would be higher or lower than 1st call).

The grades from the previous course that exceed the minimum for making average are kept.

In conducting written tests, there are not allowed to use any electronic devices (calculators, computers, tablets, phones, watches, etc.).

If we detect any copy in any activity evaluation, the global grade of this examination period will be 0, and the student should take again all the assessment elements in the next examination period (we will not keep any of the previous grades).

Sources of information

Basic Professors/es Fonaments Computadors, Transparències Fonaments Computadors, 2019, ETSE-URV (Tarragona)
William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 11th ed (2018), Pearson
Thomas L. Floyd, Fundamentos de Sistemas Digitales, 11ª ed (2016), Pearson Prentice-Hall
Javier García Zubía, Problemas Resueltos de Electrónica Digital, 2003, Thomson

Complementary William Hohl, ARM assembly language : fundamentals and techniques, 2nd ed (2014), CRC Press
Mano M. Morris, Charles R. Kime, Fundamentos de diseño lógico y de computadores, 2005, Pearson Prentice-Hall
John P. Hayes, Introducción al diseño lógico digital , 1996, Addison-Wesley
Steve Furber, ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, 2nd ed (2000), Addison-Wesley Professional


Subjects that continue the syllabus

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Other comments
It is very important to work every day. For a more accurate, detailed and up to date information, visit frequently the virtual campus (Moodle) and be aware of the URV student e-mail.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.