Subject (*) SMARTH HEALTH Code 17254209
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Optional 2Q
Department Computer Engineering and Mathematics
General description and relevant information <div>The information published in this guide corresponds to face-to-face classes and can serve as a guide. Due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19 there may be changes in teaching, assessment and calendars for the 2020-21 academic year. These changes will be reported in the Moodle space of each subject.</div><div><br /></div><div>Sempre que sigui possible el professor fomentarà la docència virtual mitjançant eines telemàtiques accessibles (Teams, Moodle, etc..).</div>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 CE10 Capacity to design software, hardware and communications systems for use in telemedicine, including systems that used mobile devices.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT2 Managing information and knowledge through the efficient use of IT.
 CT3 Solve problems critically, creatively and innovatively in their field.
 CT5 Communicate information clearly and precisely to a variety of audiences.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 CE10 Understand remote health monitoring systems
Understand the concept of the contextual environment
Understand the link between health and contextual environments
Adequately record personal judgements and evaluations of critical analyses of data and the opinions of the teacher and colleagues
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT2 Master the tools for managing their own identity and activities in a digital environment
Search for and find information autonomously with criteria of reliability and relevance
Organize information with appropriate tools (online and face-to-face) so that they can carry out their academic activities
Produce information with tools and formats appropriate to the communicative situation and with complete honesty
Use IT to share and exchange information
 CT3 Identify the situation as a problem in the field and be sufficiently motivated to face up to it
Follow a systematic method to divide a problem into parts, identify the causes and apply the knowledge specific to the discipline
Design a new solution by using all the resources necessary to cope with the problem.
Include the details of the proposed solution in a realistic model
Reflect on the model proposed, find shortcomings and suggest improvements
 CT5 Produce quality texts that have no grammatical or spelling errors, are properly structured and make appropriate and consistent use of formal and bibliographic conventions
Draw up texts that are structured, clear, cohesive, rich and of the appropriate length
Draw up texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation, consistent and persuasive
Use the techniques of non-verbal communication and the expressive resources of the voice to make a good oral presentation
Construct a discourse that is structured, clear, cohesive, rich and of the appropriate length
Produce a discourse that is appropriate to the communicative situation, consistent and persuasive, and interact effectively with the audience
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
The evolution of healthcare: An Overview Historic perspective
Basic Definitions
Healthcare in Context What is the context?
How do we obtain contextual information?
Healthcare in Smart Cities Contextual Healthcare
Smart Healthcare
Cognitive Healthcare
Smart Healthcare: Perspective and Related Technologies Technologies for Smart Healthcare

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1 0 1
7 4 11
10 25 35
Presentations / oral communications
7 20 27
Personal attention
1 0 1
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Activitats que busquen presentar l'assignatura a l'alumnat tot posant-la en el seu context. Es plantegen els objetius de l'assignatura, s'explica l'avaluació, etc...
Lecture Sessions on el professor comenta els fonaments teòrics de l'assignatura.
Assignments Activitats de grup on els estudiants realitzen treballs de síntesi (sobre temàtiques de l'assignatura) en petits grups i en col·laboració amb el professor. Cada treball realitzat per una grup d'estudiants es presenta en forma de document de text, audiovisual, etc.. d'acord al que es decrigui en cada cas.
Presentations / oral communications Els alumnes realitzen individualment o en grups de dos una presentació a classe sobre un tema concret relacionat amb l'assignatura.
També es pot fer enregistrant un vídeo que es penjarà a moodle i serà comentat pels companys.
Personal attention El professor atèn a l'alumnat tal com es descriu a l'apartat d'atenció personalitzada.

Personalized attention

S'atendrà l'alumnat de forma virtual mitjançant correu electrònic sempre que sigui possible. Si cal s'abilitarà atenció telefònica i pels mitjans telemàtics que la Universitat posa a la disposició de la comunitat universitària.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Els alumnes en petits grups realitzen treballs de síntesi sobre temes de l'assignatura. 75
Presentations / oral communications
Els alumnes en petits grups o de forma individual realitzen presentacions sobre temes de l'assignatura. 25
Other comments and second exam session

If possible, the assessment will be performed virtually. In the first call students will prepare several Writing Assignments on theoretical and practical topics discussed in the subject (75%) and (at least) a presentation (25%). No minimum mark is required to compute the average mark. 5 is the minimum mark to pass the subject.

Students that have to attend the second call will do an oral exam in which they'll need to demonstrate their knowledge of the topics discussed in the subject as well as competence in CE10, CT2, CT3 and CT5.

Sources of information


Es proporcionaràn artícles científics sobre els temes de l'assignatura, així com materials teòrics (PPT) i lectures crítiques. Actualment s'està treballant en un llibre de l'assignatura però encara no està disponible. Si ho estés a l'inici del curs es comunicaria la referència als estudiants.



(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.