Subject (*) MASTER'S THESIS Code 17665301
Study programme
Computer Engineering: Computer Security and Intelligent Systems (2013)
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
12 Final master project Second AN
Department Computer Engineering and Mathematics
General description and relevant information Els TFMs del Màster podran tenir un caràcter investigador o un caràcter professionalitzador. Un treball en l'àmbit investigador implicarà el desenvolupament d'un projecte d'investigació innovador dins d'algun dels grups de recerca especialitzats en temes de Seguretat Informàtica i/o Sistemes Intel·ligents del Departament d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques. Els TFMs de perfil més professionalitzador podran versar sobre qualsevol matèria avançada dins de l'Enginyeria Informàtica (incloent-hi sempre algun component associat a la Seguretat Informàtica i / o els Sistemes Intel · ligents, que són els temes centrals del Màster), i seran dirigits per un professor doctor del Departament d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques. Podrà haver co-directors que tinguin com a mínim la titulació de Màster. En el cas dels treballs d'àmbit professionalitzador podran ser realitzats en col · laboració amb alguna empresa o institució externa a la Universitat, comptant aleshores també amb un tutor professional, que co-dirigirà i supervisarà el treball a realitzar juntament amb el director acadèmic del TFM.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 D1 Integrate the fundamental technology, applications, services and systems of computer engineering, in general, and in a broader, multidisciplinary context.
 D2 Undertake strategic planning, manufacture, direction, coordination and technical and economic management in the field of computer engineering related to, among others: computer systems, applications, services, networks, infrastructure or installations and centres or factors for software development, observing the proper compliance with quality and environmental criteria and in multidisciplinary working environments.
 D3 Undertake the management of research, development and innovation projects, in companies and technological centres, guaranteeing safety for people and goods, the final quality of the products and their approval.
 TFM Execution, presentation and defence, having gained all of the syllabus credits, of an original exercise undertaken individually before a university panel, consisting of an integrated computer engineering project of an industrial nature in which the skills acquired during the course are synthesised.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B1 Learning to learn
 B2 Aplicar el pensament crític, lògic i creatiu, demostrant capacitat d’innovació.
 B3 Treballar de forma autònoma amb responsabilitat i iniciativa.
 B4 Comunicar informació, idees, problemes i solucions de manera clara i efectiva en públic o en àmbits tècnics concrets.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
 C1 Have an intermediate mastery of a foreign language, preferably English
 C2 Be advanced users of the information and communication technologies
 C3 Be able to manage information and knowledge
 C4 Be able to express themselves correctly both orally and in writing in one of the two official languages of the URV

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 D1 Integrate theoretical knowledge of various subjects in the resolution of a specific problem.
 D2 Plan and devise a complex project of Computer Enngineering
 D3 Develop the necessary skills to lead complex projects in the field of Computer Engineering.
 TFM Properly develop an entire series of specific, transverse and nuclear competencies in an integrated project.
Apply the typical techniques of the field scientific in a specific project.
Honour the analytical, creative and critical spirit when defining and carrying out a project.
Analyse and critically use sources of information and bibliographies.
Clearly communicate the results of the study, using language that is appropriate to the audience.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Make significant contributions and be responsible for some innovation.
 B2 Put forward new ideas, opportunities or solutions to familiar problems and/or processes.
 B3 Decide how to manage and organize work and the time required to carry out a task on the basis of an initial schedule.
Present results in the appropriate way in accordance with the bibliography provided and before the deadline.
 B4 Analyze, appraise and respond to the questions they are asked during an oral presentation.
Draft documents with the appropriate format, content, structure, language accuracy and register, and illustrate concepts using the appropriate conventions: formats, titles, footnotes, captions, etc.
Prepare their presentations and use a variety of presentation strategies (audiovisual support, eye contact, voice, gesture, time, etc.).
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C1 Explain and justify briefly their opinions and projects.
 C2 Use software for off-line communication: word processors, spreadsheets and digital presentations.
 C3 Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
 C4 Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts

Selection technique and assignment

The PhD Master lecturers will ellaborate the Master Thesis proposals, that will be validated in less than 15 days by a committee formed by the Head of the Computer Engineering Studies, the Coordinator of the phD program on Computer Engineering and the Master coordinator. This validation will make sure that the information about the work to be made is complete and correct, that there are no repeated (or overlapping) proposals, that they fit with the main topics of the Master, etc. The proposals must include the following information:

- Title, director, co-director, reserach group, keywords.

- Introduction, presenting the area of work, the problem to be solved, its relevance, which have been the previous solutions and which are their limitations, including the relevant bibliography.

- Objectives of the work.

- Tasks to be completed to reach the objetive, with an associated temporal planning.

The aproved proposals will be shown in the Moodle space of the Master, accessible to the Master students. If the student finds a work of his interest he must contact directly the director of the work, that may admit the student and request the Master coordinator to assign him the work. This assignment will be indicated in the Moodle space. The duration of the assignment is one academic course. If the student has not presented the work at the end of the course, the director will decide whether to keep the proposal with the same student, to remove the assignment to the student or to remove the proposal.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
3 0 3
Selection/assignation of Bachelor's /Master's final project
0 7 7
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the Bachelor's /Master's final project
12 0 12
Personal tuition
15 0 15
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
0 230 230
Previous studies
0 23 23
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
0 10 10
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Specific action plan / execution
Introductory activities Talk with the academic tutor to know the research groups at DEIM and their interests. Contact with the chosen research group to know in more detail their work topics, and define a specific research work.
Selection/assignation of Bachelor's /Master's final project The student may freely choose any of the Master Thesis proposals made by the lecturers of DEIM, that are available in the Master's Moodle space.
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the Bachelor's /Master's final project The Master Thesis director will make a personalised and continuous assessment of the work developed during all the semester, guiding the student in the different stages of the work.
Personal tuition The director must solve the doubts of the student with respect to the work to be developed, guiding him on the steps to follow to complete the work.
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student has to work in a continuous way during one semester on the research tasks required to develop the assigned work, under the supervision of the director.
Previous studies The student has to develop a state of the art in the chosen topic before starting the research.
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student must make an oral presentation of the developed work in front of the evaluating committee, answering the questions posed to him.

Coordination and monitoring mechanisms

The project advisor supervises the research personally, depending on the needs of the topic, the research work and the evolution of the learning process of the student.

Evaluation criteria and procedures
Es durà a terme una avaluació interna (per part de la universitat) i una avaluació externa (per part del centre de pràctiques).
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
The basic aspects that the student must include in the written report are the following:

- Introduction: presentation of the problem, objectives of the work.
- State of the art in the work area, explaining the solutions proposed in the past and their limitations.
- Innovative solution to the problem: methods used, computer systems that have been built, design and implementation aspects, etc.
- Tests, detailed evaluation of the proposal in different case studies.
- Conclusions, lines of future worl.
- Relevant bibliography.
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
The work will be presented orally by the student in front of a committee of 3 members. The oral presentation will take 30-45 minutes, and it will be followed by a session of comments and questions to the student by the committee members. Finally, the committee will meet privately to decide the qualification of the student (between 0 and 10).
In the evaluation the committee will consider the scientific-technical quality of the work, the degree of accomplishment of the objectives (as specified in the work proposal), the quality and completeness of the written documenttation, the clarity of the oral presentation, the adequacy of the answers of the students to the questions posed by the committee and the information provided by the director in his confidential report.
Other comments and second exam session

The Master Thesis may be presented in June or in September.

It is also possible to request the presentation in January:

Sources of information

Basic , Campus virtual (Moodle)., ,



Other comments
In general, it is recommended that the Master Thesis is the last topic made by the student, after he has succesfully covered all the other courses in the Master.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.