Subject (*) MASTER'S THESIS Code 17685301
Study programme
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016)
Cycle 2nd
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
9 Final master project First 2Q
Department Computer Engineering and Mathematics
General description and relevant information The Master’s thesis of the MESIIA will have a main focus on research. This means that the work to be done will involve the development of an innovative research project within a research group specialized in Computer Security and/or Artificial Intelligence of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics. A Master’s thesis can be advised by any professor of the department holding a doctorate/PhD degree. Any possible co-advisor has to hold also a doctorate/PhD degree.

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1 Integrate the fundamental technology, applications, services and systems of Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence,in a broader, multidisciplinary context.
 A2 Undertake the management of research, development and innovation projects, in companies and technological centres, oriented Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence guaranteeing safety for people and goods, the final quality of the products and their approval.
 A3 Understand and know how to apply the functioning and organisation of the Internet, the technology and protocols of new-generation networks, the models of components, intermediate software and services.
 TFM Execution, presentation and defence, having gained all of the syllabus credits, of an original exercise undertaken individually before a university panel, consisting of an integrated computer engineering project of an industrial nature in which the skills acquired during the course are synthesised.
 G2 Perform mathematical modelling, calculation and simulation in company technology and engineering centres, particularly in tasks of research, development and innovation in the areas of Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence
 G3 Apply the principles of the economy and management of human resources and projects, and the legislation, regulation and standardisation of computer systems. Specifically in the areas of Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence
Type B Code Competences Transversal
  CT1 Gestionar i comunicar informació complexa, de temes diversos, amb naturalitat, en llengua estrangera.
 CT2 Formular valoracions a partir de la gestió i ús eficient de la informació.
 CT3 Resoldre problemes complexes de manera crítica, creativa i innovadora en contextos multidisciplinars.
 CT4 Treballar en equips multidisciplinars i en contextos complexes.
 CT6 Desenvolupar habilitats per gestionar la carrera professional.
 CT8 Desenvolupar l’autonomia suficient per a treballar en projectes d’investigació i col·laboracions científiques o tecnològiques dins el seu àmbit temàtic
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Integra els coneixements teòrics de diverses matèries en la resolució d'un problema concret.
 A2 Presenta resultats d'allò que s'espera en la manera adequada d'acord amb la bibliografia donada i en el temps previst
 A3 Fa aportacions significatives o certes Innovacions.
Proposa noves idees, oportunitats o solucions a problemes i / o processos coneguts
 TFM Desenvolupa l'esperit analític, creatiu i crític en el moment de definir i portar a terme un projecte.
Comunica correctament els resultats de la feina, amb un discurs coherent i un registre adaptat a l'audiència.
Analitza, valora i respon de manera adequada a les preguntes que se li formulen en una presentació oral
Redacta documents amb el format, contingut, estructura, correcció lingüística, registre adequats i il·lustra conceptes utilitzant correctament les convencions: formats, títols, peus, llegendes, ...
Les seves presentacions estan degudament preparades, utilitzant estratègies per presentar i dur a terme les seves presentacions orals (ajuts audiovisuals, mirada, veu, gest, control de temps)
Desenvolupa adequadament tot un seguit de competències específiques, transversals i nuclears en un projecte integrador.
 G2 Aplica les tècniques pròpies del camp científic en un projecte concret.
 G3 Analitza i utilitza críticament les fonts d'informació i la bibliografia.
Decideix com gestiona i organitza el treball i el temps que necessita per dur a terme una tasca a partir d'una planificació orientativa.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
  CT1 Gestionar i comunicar informació complexa, de temes diversos, amb naturalitat, en llengua estrangera.
 CT2 Formular valoracions a partir de la gestió i ús eficient de la informació.
 CT3 Resoldre problemes complexes de manera crítica, creativa i innovadora en contextos multidisciplinars.
 CT4 Treballar en equips multidisciplinars i en contextos complexes.
 CT6 Desenvolupar habilitats per gestionar la carrera professional.
 CT8 Desenvolupar l’autonomia suficient per a treballar en projectes d’investigació i col·laboracions científiques o tecnològiques dins el seu àmbit temàtic
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Selection technique and assignment
<div>The professors of the different subjects of the Master will prepare proposals for Master Thesis. Those proposals will be validated at a maximum of 15 days by a commission formed by the head of the Degree in Computer Engineering, the coordinator of the PhD in Computer Engineering and the coordinator of the Master. This validation ensures that the proposal is complete and correct.&nbsp;</div><div><br /></div><div>Proposals must include the following information:</div><div><br /></div><div>• Title, advisor and co-advisor, research group, keywords.</div><div>• Introduction, presenting the research topic, what is the problem to solve, why it is relevant, what others have done to address it and why their solutions are not satisfactory.</div><div>• Objectives of the work to do.</div><div>• Tasks to be developed in order to fulfill the objectives with the corresponding cost in time.</div><div><br /></div><div>All approved proposals will be published in the Moodle of the Master. Students will go directly to the professor who has offered a certain proposal in order to be accepted. When informed, the coordinator of the Master will publish the assignment of the student with a certain master thesis in the Moodle of the Master. The duration of an assignment is one academic year. If the student does not complete his/her assigned master thesis during this period, the professor in charge of the proposal will be required to renew or withdraw it.</div><div><br /></div>

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1 0 1
Selection/assignation of Bachelor's /Master's final project
1 9 10
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the Bachelor's /Master's final project
5 54 59
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
0 125 125
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
3 27 30
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Specific action plan / execution
Introductory activities Meet with the academic tutor to know which rearch groups and research topics can be found in the Department of Computer Science. Contact the selected research group in order to get more details and define a specific research project .
Selection/assignation of Bachelor's /Master's final project The student can choose any of the proposed master thesis available in the Moodle of the Master.
Mechanisms for coordinating and monitoring the Bachelor's /Master's final project The advisor of the student will guide him/her during the completion of the different stages of the master thesis.
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student must work continuously in order to carry out the work assigned and supervised by his/her advisor.
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project The student must deliver an oral presentation of the work done in front of an evaluation panel which will ask doubts and questions that the student must answer.

Coordination and monitoring mechanisms

El director del Treball Fi de Màster supervisa la recerca de manera personalitzada, en funció de les necessitats de la temàtica, del treball de recerca i l’aprenentatge de l’alumne.

Evaluation criteria and procedures
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Composition of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
The written documentation to present in order to complete the master thesis must contain the following points:
• Introduction: presentation of the problem and the objectives to be fulfilled.
• State of the art of the research topic: explanation of the current proposals that try to solve the problem and their limitations.
• The proposed solution to the problem: methods or systems used, aspects of design and implementation , etc.
• Evaluation: testing and analysis of the proposed solution in order to show that it solves the considered problem.
• Conclusions of the work done, future lines of research, etc.
• Bibliography
Presentation and defence of the Bachelor's /Master's final project
The work done will be presented orally (by means of Skype or a similar tool) by the student in front of an evaluation panel formed by three professors. The oral presentation will take 30-45 minutes, followed by a round of questions and comments to the student made by the evaluation panel. Finally, the evaluation panel will meet in closed session in order to decide the grade of the student. For this purpose, the evaluation panel will into account the scientific and technical quality of the work, the degree of fulfillment of the objectives, the quality and completeness of the written documentation, the clarity of the delivered oral presentation, the adequacy of the answers to the issues raised and the information provided by the advisor in his/her confidential report. 40%
Other comments and second exam session

The documentation of the master thesis in electronic format will be delivered to the coordinator of the Master before the corresponding deadline.

The work will be presented orally (by means of Skype or a similar tool) by the student in front of an evaluation panel formed by three professors of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics holding a doctor/phd degree.

Advisors and co-advisors cannot be part of the evaluation panel. The chair of the evaluation panel is in charge of selecting the date and place for the oral presentation within the stablished periods of time allowed in the call

Sources of information




Other comments
It is recommended to have passed all subjects of the Master before enrolling in the master thesis. Also, you have to consider that completing a master thesis requires time.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.