Subject (*) OENOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Code 19224103
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Oenology (2014)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Compulsory Second 1Q
Department Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
General description and relevant information <p>Teaching will be face-to-face as long as the limitation in the capacity of the classroom due to the health emergency allows it. If this is not possible, a mixed teaching (face-to-face and on line) will be contemplated in the programmed schedule.</p><p>In the event of a health emergency that requires confining the population or involving mobility restrictions during this course, efforts will be made to adapt teaching activity andavaluationt. If this situation occurs, these adaptations will be reported in the Moodle space of each subject.</p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A1 Apply basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology to oenology.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 Ser capaç d'aplicar adequadament la química a l'enologia.
Ser capaç d'utilitzar els coneixements sobre la composició química del vi per dominar les pràctiques enològiques.
Ser capaç d'utilitzar la composició química del vi i la seva evolució per poder respondre davant d'un problema enològic concret i / o donar els consells i prescripcions necessàries.
Demostrar sentit crític en la lectura de treballs científics relacionats amb el temari de l'assignatura
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
1. ENOGRAPHY 1. General chemical composition of wine. Water, oenological importance. Determination of fraudulent additions by isotopic study.
2. Organic acids of natural and fermentative origin.
3. Mineral composition.
4. Carbohydrates and polysaccharides.
5. Volatile and aromatic products. Alcohols, ethanol. Acetaldehyde, terpenes, and esters.
6. Polyphenolic compounds: phenolic acids, flavonoids, and hydrolyzable tannins.
7. Nitrogen compounds. Vitamins.
2. ACID-BASE PROCESSES 1. Oenological importance of acidity: dependent properties.
2. Oenological measures of acidity: Acidity and taste characteristics.
3. Acidimetric balances: status of the acids in the wine, status of anions and cations, and organic acids.
4. Wine's buffering capacity.
5. Natural modifications of acidity.
6. Chemical correction of the pH of the wine. Chemical consequences and determination of frauds.
3. OXIDATION AND REDUCTION PROCESSES 1. Redox potential in enology. Redox systems.
2. Measurements and redox control of the wine: measurement of redox potential, dissolved oxygen, and reducing capacity of a wine.
3. Evolution of redox systems in wine. Dissolution of oxygen, the evolution of dissolved oxygen.
4. Redox and taste characters. Generation of mercaptans.
4. COLLOIDS AND PRECIPITATIONS. Clarification and stabilization of the wine. 1. The cleanliness of the wine. Assessment methods.
2. Chemistry of colloids. Natural and accidentally formed colloids.
3. Wine fining: chemical properties of fining agents.
4. Characterisation of precipitates. Corrective treatments and methods.
5. Stability of the wine. Stability controls.
5. WINE COLOUR CHEMISTRY 1. Anthocyanins: chemical equilibrium and color, the influence of pH and SO2, oxidation, degradation, and co-pigmentation.
2. Proanthocyanidins: polymerization, reaction with proteins, carbohydrates, and anthocyanins. Oxidation.
6. AGING OF WINE 1. Chemical processes related to aging: the transformation of the coloring matter. Esterification. Oenological importance of ethyl acetate. Dissolution of the aromatic constituents of the wood.
2. Chemistry of cork: aromas from cork, formation mechanisms.
3. Artificial aging.
7. ADDITIVES 1. Action of SO2. Dissociation and combination equilibria. Organoleptic influence. Factors.
2. Other additives.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
1 0 1
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
8 9 17
45 54 99
1 2 3
Personal attention
1 0 1
Short-answer objective tests
4 25 29
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities On the first day of class, the subject will be presented,as well as its organization, the methodology to be followed, the most appropriate bibliography, and the evaluation methodology. It will be explained to the students how to contact the teacher outside of class hours.
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Theoretical questions and practical problems related to fraud detection, analytical parameters of acidity, deacidifications, acidifications, and precipitations will be solved in the classroom.
Lecture The contents of the subject will be explained in the classroom and the articles that the students will be able to access will be briefly discussed. In this sense, the student will access, through Moodle, documents, publications, and works related to current lines of research in the field of oenological chemistry and to the subject matter. Access to this information is voluntary and will be provided so that the student can expand on those aspects of the subject that may be of interest to them.
Debates Discussion in the classroom on specific topics related to the contents of the subject being taught.
Personal attention The student canask questions to the teacher about any aspect related to the subject at times agreed in advance.

Personalized attention
L’alumne podrà consultar dubtes al professor sobre qualsevol aspecte relacionat amb l’assignatura en hores convingudes

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
The correct application of the contents explained in class will be assessed in the correct and reasoned resolution of questions and problems 8%
It will be assessed:
- how is applied the knowledge explained in the master class
- the discussion, with a scientific basis, on specific issues related to the subjects of the matter
Short-answer objective tests
The correct application of the contents explained in class will be assessed in the correct and reasoned resolution of questions and problems. In the first call, there will be a total of 4 tests of short questions throughout the subject 30% (test 1),
20% (test 2),
20% (test 3),
20% (test 4).
Other comments and second exam session
First call: The tests of short questions correspond to four controls that will be carried out throughout the course. The continuous evaluation will be applied by default. If a student, due to work issues or an Erasmus stay, wishes to waive the continuous evaluation, he will have to formally request it in writing, filling in a form available on the Moodle platform, before the first control is carried out. In these cases the four controls, the debates and the exercises will be replaced by a single exam that constitutes 100% of the final grade

Second call: the four controls, the debates and the exercises will be replaced by a single exam, that will constitute 100% of the final grade.

Note: During the evaluation tests, mobile phones, tablets and other electronic devices that are not expressly authorized for the test must be turned off and out of sight. NOTE: The demonstrably fraudulent performance of any assessment activity of any subject, both in physical and virtual and electronic support, will result in the student receiving a failing grade in said assessment activity. Regardless of this, given the seriousness of the facts, the center can propose the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, which will be processed by resolution of the rector.

Sources of information

Basic L. USSEGLIO-TOMASSET, Química Enológica, darrera edició, Technique & Documentation - Lavoisier, Paris
J.J. MORENO VIGARA, R.A. PEINADO AMORES, Química Enológica, darrera edició, Mundi-Prensa-AMV Ediciones
A.D. WEBB (editor), Chemistry of Winemaking, darrera edició/versió online, Advances in Chemistry Series nº 137. American Ch
R. S. JACKSON, Wine Science, principles and applications, darrera edició, Academic Press, San Diego
J. RIBÉREAU-GAYON, Y. GLORIES, A. MAUJEAN, D. DUBOURDIEU, Handbook of Enology, darrera edició, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester
Ph.D. YAIR MARGALIT, Concepts in Wine Chemistry, darrera edició, San Francisco
J. FARKAS, Technology and Biochemistry of Wine, darrera edició, Gordon and Brach Science Publishers, New York
B. W. ZOECKLEIN, K.C. FUGELSANG, B.H. GUMP, F.S. NURY, Wine Analysis and Production, darrera edició, Chapman &amp; Hall, New York
To be consulted in the Moodle platform, Websites provided in class throughout the coursego de la asignatura, ,
To be consulted in the Moodle platform, Scientific publications Websites provided in class throughout the course, ,

Complementary R.B.BOULTON, V.L.SINGLETON, L.F.BISSON, R.E.KUNKEE, Principles and Practices of Winemaking, última edición, The Chapman &amp; Hall Enology Library, New Yo
C. FLANZY, Enología: fundamentos científicos y tecnológicos, última edición, A. Madrid Vicente Ediciones, 2ª edición
R. MOLINA, Teoría de la clarificación de mostos y vinos y sus aplicaciones prácticas, última edición, A. Madrid Vicente Ediciones
R.J. CLARKE, J. BAKKER Editors, Wine flavour chemistry, última edición, Blackwell Publishing
A.L. WATERHOUSE, J.A. KENNEDY Editors, Red wine color. Revealing the Mysteries, última edición, ACS Symposium Series 886
J. BLOUIN, E. PEYNAUD, Enologia práctica, última edición, A. Madrid Vicente Ediciones
E. PRIMO YÚFERA, “Química Agrícola III. Alimentos”, Cap.5, última edición, Ed. Alhambra
C.S. OUGH DSc, MS, Winemaking Basics, última edición, Food Products Press, New York


Subjects that continue the syllabus

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
CHEMISTRY I/19224008
Other comments
Students who do not have a good foundation in organic and analytical chemistry are recommended to review at the beginning of the course: organic formulation, main organic reactions, acid-base equilibria, redox equilibria, and basic concepts of precipitation. LEGAL NOTICE The information contained in the Moodle space of the course (videos, powerpoint presentations, etc.) is subject to image rights, protection of personal data, and intellectual property. In this course, it is not authorized to make recordings of the classes or to reproduce or transmit all or part of the information contained in the Moodle space, outside this space. Doing so will incur a disciplinary offense and also a criminal charge (URV Legal Advisory Service).
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.