Asignatura (*) SISTEMAS Y PROCESOS POLIMÉRICOS Código 20204208
Grado en Ingeniería Química (2010)
Descriptores Cr.totales Tipo Curso Periodo
6 Optativa 1Q
Lengua de impartición
Departamento Ingeniería Química
Correo-e josep.bonet@urv.cat
Descripción general e información relevante <p> The course focuses on the description of the main aspects of the polymeric materials, to understant their properties and the processes for their production.</p><div><br /></div>

Tipo A Código Competencias Específicas
 A1.1 Aplicar efectivamente el conocimiento de las materias básicas, científicas y tecnológicas propias de la ingeniería.
 A4.3 Conocimientos de los fundamentos de ciencia, tecnología y química de materiales. Comprender la relación entre la microestructura, la síntesis o procesado y las propiedades de los materiales (RI3)
Tipo B Código Competencias Transversales
 B1.4 Utilizar información en lengua extranjera (preferentemente inglés) de manera eficaz.
Tipo C Código Competencias Nucleares

Resultados de aprendizaje
Tipo A Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 A1.1 Aplica correctamente los fundamentos de ciencia, tecnología y química de materiales. Comprende la relación entre la microestructura, la síntesis o procesado y las propiedades de los materiales.
 A4.3 Relaciona la estructura microscópica de materiales poliméricos comunes con sus propiedades físicas, especialmente la respuesta mecánica.
Sabe aplicar la termodinámica de disoluciones poliméricas para el cálculo de sus propiedades; conoce los modelos que describen el flujo no-newtoniano.
Es capaz de describir los principios generales de la polimerización en cadena y escalonada.
Conoce las técnicas de caracterización de la distribución de pesos moleculares y los modelos comúnmente utilizados.
Tipo B Código Resultados de aprendizaje
 B1.4 Sigue asignaturas con contenidos en inglés.
Tipo C Código Resultados de aprendizaje

tema Subtema
1. Introduction What are the polymers. The polymers in the world. A brief history.
2. Morphology Bonds and forces, Individual molecules, Molecular networks, Cohesive energy, Physical states, Transition temperatures, Crystallisation, Structure-properties relations
3. Thermodynamics of polymer solutions Non-ideality of polymer solutions. The Flory-Huggins theory, Swell of a chain by solvent, Rubber elasticity, Solubility, Phase equilibria
4. Polymerisation Reactions of polymerisation, Functionality, Kinetic schemes, Chain polymerisation, Step polymerisation, Polymerisation processes, Copolimerización
5. Molecular weight distributions Mean values of the molecular weight, Theoretical molecular weight distributions, Empirical molecular weight distributions, Experimental methods of analysis of the molecular weight distributions.
6. Viscoelasticity Mechanical behaviour of the polymeric materials, viscous solids and elastic liquids, Models for the viscoelastic response, Molecular motions and transition temperatures
7. Rheology Characteristics of non-Newtonian flow, Dependence of the viscosity with the shear rate, Dependence of the viscosity with the molecular weight, Dependence of the viscosity with the temperature, Normal stresses.

Metodologías  ::  Pruebas
  Competencias (*) Horas en clase
Horas fuera de clase
(**) Horas totales
Actividades introductorias
1 2 3
Sesión magistral
32 60 92
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios
13 26 39
Atención personalizada
1 2 3
Pruebas prácticas
2 3 5
Pruebas prácticas
3 5 8
(*) En el caso de docencia no presencial, serán las horas de trabajo con soporte virtual del profesor.
(**) Los datos que aparecen en la tabla de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando la heterogeneidad de los alumnos

Actividades introductorias The professor will explain the dynamics of the course:
- Subjects
- Hands out activities with impact to the evaluation. The conditions of the continuous evaluation
- Dates of the evaluation activities
- Recommendations for the course

The introduction to the polymers as subject
Sesión magistral The contents of the notes of the course are available to the students through Moodle. In prevision of the online nature of the course, it is expected that the student works on the notes for themself. The professor will provide a short explanation of the main points, either in the classroom or through recorded videos and online classes held through videoconference, open to all the students. It is expected that the online sessions will focus on discussing questions, solving exercises and tackling the main difficulties of the course. Going through the notes by the professor will be avoided and is a direct responsibility of the student.
Resolución de problemas/ejercicios Proposed exercises are solved and discussed either in class or in the form of recorded or online sessions. The online sessions will be again reserved for the discussion of the proposed exercises rather than going through the solution itself, which should be available through the proper graphic document proposed by the professor. Again, the student is responsible of working on the proposed exercises before the discussion session.
Atención personalizada Questions regarding the contents of the course are discussed individually when required, but should preferably be addressed during the discussion sessions proposed or through the discussion forum, as it is accessible to the whole community and may be helpful to others.

Individual sessions, although not advised, will be held either face to face or through videoconference when previously agreed with the professor.

Atención personalizada
Due to the nature of the course and the exceptional circumstances, no face to face interaction is advised. Instead, the students are requested to formulate their questions through the forum, so that all the rest may benefit from the discussion. This discussion can be held through videoconference with the student within a schedule previously agreed with the professor. No questions through regular email will be addressed by the professor.

Metodologías Competencias descripción Peso        
Pruebas prácticas
A mid term evaluation will be held in which the student will have to solve a test exam of short questions and solve some selected exercises. If the exam needs to be sit online, an individual oral verification will be held as a validation of the results produced. 45
Pruebas prácticas
A final evaluation will be held in which the student will have to solve a test exam of short questions and solve some selected exercises. If the exam needs to be sit online, an individual oral verification will be held as a validation of the results produced. 45

We plan to held at least two deliverable homework assignments. The grades obtained in these assignments will represent a bonus of a 10% that will be added to the total if the mark of every partial exam is superior to 4.

Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria

The form and nature of the exams will be subject to the conditions allowed by the pandemia.

Fuentes de información

Básica Ferdinand Rodriguez, Claude Cohen, Christopher K. Ober, Lynden A. Archer, Principles of polymer systems, Paperback, Taylor &amp; Francis; 4 edition (April 1996)

Several copies of this book, some of them of rather old editions, can be found at the Sescelades library.

Complementaria H.J. Elias, Macromoleules, Hardcover, Weinheim : John Wiley-VCH Verlag, cop. 2005-2009
J.R Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, Hardcover, Prentice and Hall, 1995

Many of the contents of the course can be found at internet. 


(*)La Guía docente es el documento donde se visualiza la propuesta académica de la URV. Este documento es público y no es modificable, excepto en casos excepcionales revisados por el órgano competente o debidamente revisado de acuerdo la normativa vigente.