Subject (*) TECHNICAL ENGLISH Code 20204217
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
3 Optional 2Q
Department English and German Studies
General description and relevant information <p>Degut a la situació actual d’emergència sanitària, el curs 2020-21 els continguts d’aquesta assignatura es proporcionaran via Moodle (amb vídeos explicatius amb powerpoint i veu, material docent del curs, arxius mp3, vídeos, enllaços, etc.) i l’alumnat els treballarà&nbsp;<b>a distància.&nbsp;</b>Els continguts habituals, les competències i els resultats d’aprenentatge seran els mateixos i es trobaran disponibles a la secció corresponent d’aquesta guia docent. El programa de l’assignatura i els criteris d’avaluació seran tan semblants com sigui possible als que apareixen descrits en el mode presencial. Es faran&nbsp;<b>sessions setmanals d’una hora a través de&nbsp;videoconferències&nbsp;</b>per resoldre dubtes i facilitar que els estudiants puguin practicar l’anglès oral. Els&nbsp;<b>exàmens de l’assignatura&nbsp;</b>es faran&nbsp;<b><u>presencialment a l’aula</u> &nbsp;</b>sempre i quan la situació sanitària del moment ho permeti.</p><div><br /></div><div>This course aims to introduce students to the main characteristics of technical English in the field of mechanical engineering. The objectives of the course are to help students improve their linguistic competence in English at level B2 in CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Throughout the course, students will practice reading and writing technical texts, as well as listening to and speaking about different aspects of their discipline. Students will also become familiar with the technical vocabulary often used in a variety of topics of mechanical engineering. The course will cover the following areas: • Practice on all four skills through a variety of mechanical engineering topics. • Practice on the rhetoric of professional and academic documents used in mechanical engineering. • Practice on the most common functions, notions and grammar structures found in mechanical engineering texts. Course level: • In order to pass the course successfully, students should have at least B 1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). • At the beginning of the course, students will take an “Online Placement Test” to test their English level.&lt;/div&gt;</div>

Type A Code Competences Specific
Type B Code Competences Transversal
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
 C1.1 Have an intermediate mastery of a foreign language, preferably English
 C1.4 Be able to express themselves correctly both orally and in writing in one of the two official languages of the URV
 C2.1 Be committed to ethics and social responsibility as citizens and professionals
 C2.2 Be able to define and develop their academic and professional project

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C1.1 Express opinions on abstract or cultural topics in a limited fashion.
Explain and justify briefly their opinions and projects.
Understand instructions about classes or tasks assigned by the teaching staff.
Understand the basic ideas of radio and television programmes.
Understand routine information and articles.
Understand the general meaning of texts that have non-routine information in a familiar subject area.
Take notes during a class.
Write letters or take notes about foreseeable, familiar matters.
 C1.4 Produce grammatically correct oral texts.
Produce well structured, clear and effective oral texts.
Produce oral texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation.
Produce grammatically correct written texts
Produce well-structured, clear and rich written texts
Produce written texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation
 C2.1 Respect fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
Be respectful of and promote human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for th ose with special educational needs.
Be respectful of the values of a culture of peace and democracy.
 C2.2 Identify their training needs.
Identify their own academic and professional interests and motivations.
Define and study their curriculum bearing in mind their training needs, and their academic and pr ofessional interests and motivations
Develop resources and strategies that will ease their transition into working life.

Topic Sub-topic
UNIT 1: HISTORY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1.1 Chronological description: narrative texts.
1.2 Review of verb tenses: ways to express time sequence.
1.3 Genres: Encyclopedias
1.4 Texts: History of Engineering, What is Mechanical Engineering, History of Mechanical Engineering, James Watt and the Steam Engine, The First Mechanical Clocks / Podcasts: What is Mechanical Engineering, Hero of Alexandria, Nikola Tesla.
UNIT 2: FLUID MECHANICS 2.1 Process description. Review of the passive voice. Linking words used in process description.
2.2 Review of prepositions of place and movement. Phrasal Verbs..
2.3 Genres in Engineering: Audience and purpose. The Magazine article
2.4 Texts: Fluid Dynamics, Carburetors, Flow in Pipes, Bernoulli’s principle, What Does a Carburetor Do? Heat Transfer / Podcasts &amp; Videos: Carburetors, Bernoulli's Theorem and Its Applications, Pascal’s Law and the Hydraulic Brake System, Heat Transfer.
UNIT 3: MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY 3.1 Physical description.
3.2 Making definitions: relative clauses and relative pronouns. Reduced relative clauses. Defining and Non-defining relative clauses.
3.3 Use ans Structure of Compound Nouns.
3.4 Genres: The Research Article.
3.5 Texts: Smart Materials, Mechanical Properties and Performance of Materials, Nanomaterials /Videos: Smart Materials Demo, A Quick Guide to Smart and Modern Materials, What is Nanotechnology? /Podcast: Nanotechnology
4.1 Expressing the function and parts of a device, and how something works. Expressions indicating purpose.
4.2 Expressing the advantages and disadvantages of something. Adjectives and adverbs. Linking words.
4.3 Genres and text layout: headings in texts.
4.4 Texts: AC Generator Components, What is a DC Motor? Wind Power, Alternative Sources of Energy, Advantages and Disadvantages of Battery-powered Motors, Advantages of Owning an Electric Car / Videos: AC Generator, How Electric Motors Work (DC Motors) / Podcast: Early Dynamos, Hybrid Cars.
UNIT 5: ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION 6.1 Expressions used in classifications. Giving examples.
6.2 Review of modal verbs expressing obligation, probability and deduction.
6.3 Review of conditional sentences to express a hypothesis (types 1, 2, 3).
6.4 Genres: textbooks.
6.5 Texts: Robotics, Types of Robots, Social Robots, The Three Laws of Robotics, Robots: The Future is Now, Miniature Robotics / Podcasts &amp; Videos: Engineering Projects, Biologically-inspired robots.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 2 4
10 12 22
IT-based practicals
2 8 10
Problem solving, exercises
13 15 28
Personal attention
0 0 0
Personal attention
0 0 0
Practical tests
1 4 5
Multiple-choice objective tests
2 4 6
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities A començament de curs, l'estudiant haurà de realitzar una prova de nivell online (online placement test) i enviar els resultats de la prova al professor, indicant-hi el nivell d'anglès obtingut.
Seminars Al llarg de diferents seminaris (i/o videos explicativos online), el professor explicarà les característiques principals de l'Anglès Tècnic dins l'àmbit de l'enginyeria mecànica i química. Es posarà especial èmfasi en la millora del nivell de competència lingüística en anglès de l'estudiant, i se li proporcionaran els recursos necessaris per llegir i redactar textos de caire tècnic, així com per escoltar i parlar sobre diferents temes de la seva disciplina.
IT-based practicals Es penjaràn Tasks (textos, arxius mp3, i /o videocasts) sobre algun tema d'enginyeria mecànica/química que serviran per practicar diferents aspectes gramaticals tractats i les quatre destreses. Les Tasks son tasques que l'estudiant ha de fer de forma individual.
Problem solving, exercises Al llarg del curs, l'estudiant haurà de resoldre satisfactòriament diferents tipus d'exercicis sobre textos escrits i orals de l'àmbit d'enginyeria mecànica i/o química que reflecteixen els diferents gèneres tècnics i aspectes del curs.
Personal attention
Personal attention

Personalized attention
During the course, instructors will be available during office hours to solve doubts or answer questions.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
IT-based practicals
Al llarg del curs l'estudiant haurà de realitzar 2 Tasks (obligatòries per l'avaluació continuada) que s'hauran de penjar a Moodle dins els plaços establerts per fer-ho. Aquestes tasques serveixen per la pràctica dels diferents aspectes i destreçes que es tractaran a classe. 20 %
Practical tests
L'examen final inclourà activitats i preguntes relacionades amb les destreçes en les que l'estudiant haurà de plasmar de manera pràctica els coneixements teòrics i pràctics de les l'assignatura. 20 %
Multiple-choice objective tests
L'examen final també inclourà preguntes tancades amb diferents alternatives de resposta ("multiple choice") sobre aspectes gramaticals estudiats al llarg del curs. 50 %

La participació activa a l'aula virtual es comptarà a través de l'entrega d'activitats setmanals a Moodle dins els plaços establerts per fer-ho. Caldrà haver entregat com a minim la meitat de les activitats setmanals del curs per obtenir una nota satisfactòria en aquest apartat.

10 %
Other comments and second exam session


Avaluació amb afectacions: A la 1ª Convocatòria, la nota corresponent a l'assistència i participació activa a l'aula (10%) es comptabilitzarà amb l'entrega d'activitats setmanals a Moodle. Caldrà entregar la meitat de les activitats setmanals com a mínim per obtenir una valoració positiva.


- Dues proves conjuntes en un examen final:

a) Proves objectives tipus test = 50 % de la nota final.

b) Prova pràctica (sobre destreses) = 20 % dela nota final.

- Pràctiques de TIC entregades al llarg del curs: 20 % de la nota final.

- Participació activa a l'aula (virtual) al llarg del curs: 10 % de la nota final.

Per tal de poder fer mitja, caldrà obtenir un 5 a la prova objectiva de tipus test (multiple choice). Per tal de poder presentar-se a l'examen final, caldrà haver seguit l'avaluació continuada (entregant les 2 Tasks de Pràctiques de TIC dins els plaços establerts per fer-ho així com la meitat de les activitats setmanals programades a Moodle).


En el cas que l'estudiant no superi l'avaluació continuada de l'assignatura en la primera convocatòria, la segona convocatòria correspondrà a una única prova d'avaluació (amb proves pràctiques i proves de tipus test sobre el temari del curs) per determinar la qualificació final de l'assignatura.

- 1 única prova d'valuació = 100 % de la nota final.

Ús i tinença de dispositius de comunicació i transmissió durant les proves avaluatives (art. 21 NAM Grau i art. 20 NAM Màster).

A l'inici dels examens els estudiants apagaran completament els seus dispositius de comunicació (mòbil o tableta o portàtil) i el/s deixaran a la motxilla o a la taula del professor si no porten bossa o motxilla. Durant la realització de les proves està totalment prohibit tenir algun d'aquests dispositius o altres wearables encesos, així com contestar missatges o trucades. El no compliment d'aquestes mesures comportarà la immediata retirada del full d'examen i la qualificació de 0 en l'examen.

Sources of information

Basic Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication: English Skills for Engineers, Oxford University Press, USA (2ª edición) , 2011
Ivor Williams, English for Science and Engineering. (Professional English). , Heinle ELT., 2008
Mark Ibbotson , Professional English in Use Engineering With Answers: Technical English for Professionals, Cambridge University Press (1ª edición) , 2009
Mark Ibbotson , Cambridge English for Engineering, Cambridge University Press , 2008
Glendinning, Eric and Norman Glendinning , Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Oxford University Press, 1995
Marian Dunn, David Howey and Amanda Ilic with Nicholas Regan, English for Mechanical Engineering in Higher Education Studies, Garnet Education, 2010
Carmen Rueda, Workbook of English for Mechanical Engineering., Departament d’Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys. URV., 2018

El material que utilitzarem per seguir el curs i que es podrà descarregar de Moodle serà:

-  Carmen Rueda. Workbook of English for Mechanical Engineering. Course handbook.  Departament d’Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys. URV. 2018.   

Complementary Tony Atkins and Marcel Escudler, A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering (paperback), Oxford University Press, USA (2ª edición) , 2013
G.H.F. Nayler, Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering [Paperback], Jaico Publishing House; 4th revised edition, 2006
Nick Brieger and Alison Pohl , Technical English - Vocabulary and Grammar, Heinle ELT, 2008
Jonathan Wickert, An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering [Paperback], CL-Engineering, 2 edition, 2005


Other comments
Academic Plagiarism: You must do your own work throughout the course. If it is determined that you have plagiarized a task from the Internet or from another student, you will receive a zero for the assignment. If you do it again, you will fail the whole course.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.