Assignatura (*) QUÍMICA MACRO I SUPRAMOLECULAR Codi 20635258
Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (2010)
Cicle 2n
Descriptors Crèd. Tipus Curs Període
5 Optativa AN
Llengua d'impartició
Departament Química Analítica i Química Orgànica
Adreça electrònica
Descripció general i informació rellevant Supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry are two strongly interrelated cutting edge frontiers in research in the chemical sciences. In this course, the fundamentals of these concepts are described together with the results of recent work in the area. Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry clearly outlines the fundamentals that underlie supramolecular chemistry and nanochemistry and takes an umbrella view of the whole area.
Com a conseqüència de l'extinció del pla d'estudi que estàs cursant, en aquesta assignatura només tindràs dret a examen. Per conèixer la data de realització de l'examen consulta a l'apartat d'horaris de les assignatures. En cas d'haver de sol·licitar convocatòria extraordinària recorda que per poder matricular aquest dret d'examen hauràs de presentar una sol·licitud a la secretaria del teu Campus/Centre.

Tema Subtema
Tema 1. From molecular chemistry to supramolecular chemistry. Non-covalent interactions.

Tema 2. Complementarity, induced fit, allosterism and cooperativity. Receptors and carriers. Dynamic processes: kinetics vs. thermodynamics.

Tema 3. Ion recognition. Crown ethers, cryptands, cyclophanes, other receptors. Chiral recognition.

Tema 4. A view of the hydrophobic effect. Hydrophobic interactions in molecular recognition.

Tema 5. Supramolecular catalysis. Basic principles. Acceleration and turnover. Transition state recognition. Enzyme models.

Tema 6. Confinement effects in catalysis. Micelles, vesicles, capsules. Catalytic antibodies and polymer imprinting. Autocatalysis: self-replicating systems.

Tema 7. Molecular recognition of bio-molecules-1. Amino acids, peptides, proteins. Ligand-protein and protein-protein interactions.

Tema 8. Molecular recognition of bio-molecules-2. Nucleobases, nucleotides and nucleic acids. DNA-ligand interactions. Intercalation. Recognition of carbohydrates.

Tema 9. Self-assembly and self-organization.

Tema 10. Self-assembly in synthetic systems.

Tema 11. Dynamic combinatorial chemistry and supramolecular chirality.
Tema 12. Molecular materials and devices.

Tema 13. Hierarchical self-assembly. Monolayers and multilayers. Liquid crystals. Thermotropic and lyotropic systems. Mesophases. Phase diagrams. LC displays.

Tema 14. Charge-transfer systems. Organic insulators, semiconductors, and conductors. Non-linear optics. Concepts. Dipolar and octupolar molecules. NLO devices.

Tema 15. Experimental methods in supramolecular chemistry. Stoichiometry and binding constant. NMR titrations. Other methods. Aggregation and transport.

Tema 16. Photo physics of Supramolecular Systems. Basic Principles. Photo physics of Supramolecular Advanced Concepts.

Tema 17. Applications of luminescent supramolecular systems.

Hetero Supramolecular Chemistry.

Supramolecular systems for light to electric energy conversion. Part 1.

Supramolecular systems for light to electric energy conversion. Part 2.

Supramolecular Organic Field Effect Transistors.

Future perspectives on Functional Supramolecular Devices.

Atenció personalitzada

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Fonts d'informació
Bàsica STEED, J. W.; ATWOOD, J. L., Supramolecular Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
Jonathan W. Steed, David R. Turner and Karl Wallace, Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry (Paperback) , Wiley, ültima edició disponible

Complementària SCHNEIDER, H.-J.; YATSIMIRSKY, A. K., Principles and methods in Supramolecular Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
LEHN, J.-M., Supramolecular Chemistry Concepts and Perspective, VCH, 1995
VÖGTLE, F., Supramolecular Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 1991
, Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry (11 volums), Elsevier,

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