Subject (*) ART AND ARCHITECTURE Code 22204006
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
6 Basic Course First 2Q
Department Predepartment Architecture Unit
General description and relevant information <div>The course is scheduled to be taught in person and this presence will be maintained if the regulations that may be issued by the health authorities and other competent bodies do not say otherwise, and the capacity requirements allow it. If there are changes they will be reported to the Moodle space of the subject.</div><div><br /></div><p> The Student will explore the basis of the contemporary art and architecture. We will learn modern architects and artists in order to understand the roots of contemporary art and architecture. L’assignatura està dividida en dues parts. Una és ‘especulativa’ i l’altre ‘lectiva’. </p>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A14 Knowledge of the fundamentals of art.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 CT1-G Use information in a foreign language effectively
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A14 Knowledge and understanding of the relations and correpondences between the modern and contemporary arts, painting, sculpture and architecture.
Knowledge of new affinities in contemporary movements.
Elaboration of studies on existing parallelisms in the recent evolution of art and architecture.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT1-G Use information in a foreign language effectively
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
I. Manet against the form. Le déjeneur sur l'érbe

Edouard Manet
II.a. Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. From ‘The prospects of architecture in civilization’ to the Red House William Morris
II.b. Crystal Palace. A building for the mass Joseph Paxton
III.a. Black square on white canvas. Some notes on the suprematist sect at VUTHEKMAS Kazimir Malevitx
III.b. Point and line to plane. Bauhaus. Vasily Kandinsky i Walter Gropius
IV.a. The destruction of the box. The first Wright houses
F.Ll. Wright
IV.b. The american landscape through Wright eyes F.Ll. Wright
V.a. The revolution comes to scene. 'The theatre of our times' Meyerhold
V.b. The moment of cubism Pablo Picasso
VI.a. Loos bedroom
Adolf Loos
VI.b. The distinguish crafts
Domènech i Montaner
VII.a. Ants and cars Ludwig Hilberseimer
VII.b. The house without qualities De Stijl i Rietveld
VIII.a. From the mediterranean to stainatsälo A. Aalto
VIII.b. Villa Mairea A. Aalto
IX.a. It is possible to produce a mountain in the city? A. Gaudí
IX.b. The refurbishing as a modern project J.M. JuJol
X.a. The german pavilion. 1929. Barcelona Mies van der Rohe
X.b. A lake pavilion Mies van der Rohe
XI.a. Mediterranean tradition and the modern project A. Terragni
XI.b. Montbrió del camp and the modern project J. Miró
XII.a. Vila Savoya Le Corbusier
XII.b. Punjab's head Le Corbusier

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
4 0 4
Presentations / oral communications
25 25 50
24 24 48
Presentations / oral communications
20 20 40
Personal attention
2.5 0 2.5
Practical tests
2 4 6
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Debate on the idea of architecture.
DVD display
Presentations / oral communications The expositions does not pretend to explain the history of architecture. The expositions try to explain one single work or a key concept in order to understand contemporary architecture.
Seminars Debate on the difficulties that appear in the course of the students investigations
Presentations / oral communications Explanations of the key concepts of the book of Rasmussen
Personal attention .

Personalized attention

When the students have some doubts can speak directly to the professor. 

The conversation can be either face-to-face or virtual. For appointment plase email:

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Research work on an architectural work. 35 %
Presentations / oral communications
Oral communications of the key concepts of the book of Rasmussen 15%
Practical tests
Exam in order to know if the student has understood the key concepts of the course 50%
Other comments and second exam session


Sources of information

Basic Gombrich, Ernst H, Historia del arte, Debate, Madrid 1997
Rassmussen, S.E., La experiencia de la arquitectura, Mairea/Celeste, Madrid 2000



Argan, Giulio Carlo, El  Arte Moderno, Akal, Madrid 1992.


Baker, G.h., Análisis de la forma, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili 1998.


Frampton, K. Historia crítica de la arquitectura moderna, Gustavo Gili 2002.


Handke, Peter, La doctrina del Saint Victoire, Alianza, Madrid 1985.


Hertzberger, Herman, Lessons for students in Architecture 1, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2000.


Hertzberger, Herman, Space and Architecture, Lessons for students in Architecture, 2,  010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2000.


Le Corbusier, Hacia una arquitectura (1927), Apostrofe, Barcelona 1996.


Leupen, B. Proyecto y análisis. Evolución de los principios en arquitectura, Barcelona GG, 1999


Mondrian, Piet, La Nueva Imagen en la pintura (1917) Colegio Oficial de
Aparejadores. y Arquitectos Técnicos/Librería Cajamurcia, Murcia 1993.


Müller, W.; Vogel, G. Atlas de arquitectura, 2vol. Madrid, Alianza, 1992


Chrisitan Norberg-Schulz, Los principios de la arquitectura moderna. Sobre la nueva tradición del siglo XX, ed. Revesté, Barcelona 2005


Chrisitan Norberg-Schulz, Existente Space & Architecture, Studio Vista Limited, London 1971


Chrisitan Norberg-Schulz, Genius Loci Paesaggio Ambiente Architecttura, Electa editrice, Milano 1979


Chrisitan Norberg-Schulz, Intenciones en Arquitectura,  GG Reprints, Barcelona 1998


Quetglas, Josep,  El horror cristalizado. Imágenes del Pabellón de Alemania de
Mies van der Rohe
, Actar. Barcelona, 2001.


Steen Eiler Rasmussen, La experiencia de la aruqitectura, Mairea/Celeste, Madrid 2000


Roth, L.M., Entender la arquitectura. Sus elementos, su historia y significado, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili 1999


Wright, Frank Lloyd, The Arts and Crafts of the Machine (1901).Els arts i els oficis de la màquina, ETSAB.



(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.