Subject (*) GEOTECHNICS Code 22204116
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
4 Compulsory Third
Department Predepartment Architecture Unit
General description and relevant information Anàlisi dels conceptes bàsics i generals de la geotècnia i repercussions en els diferents tipus de terrenys existents. Anàlisi de l'aigua al terreny i funcionament. Avaluació de riscos geològics i patologies del terreny. Anàlisi de fonamentacions i estructures de contenció i avaluació d'empentes del terreny i pressions màximes admissibles. Avaluació i estudi de l'estudi geotècnic

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A18 Ability to conceive, calculate, design and integrate foundation solutions into buildings and urban developments.
 A31 Adequate knowledge of solid, continuous media and soil mechanics.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B1 Learning to learn
 B2 Resoldre problemes complexos de forma efectiva en el camp de l'Arquitectura.
 B3 Critical, logical and creative thinking, and an ability to innovate
 B4 Autonomy, responsibility and initiative
 B6 Clear and effective communication of information, ideas, problems and solutions in public or a specific technical field
 B7 Sensitivity to environmental issues
 B8 Management of complex technical or professional projects
Type C Code Competences Nuclear
 C2 Be advanced users of the information and communication technologies
 C3 Be able to manage information and knowledge
 C4 Be able to express themselves correctly both orally and in writing in one of the two official languages of the URV

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A18 Design of buildings and urban settlements, including design and calculation of interior distribution systems, carpentry, stairs and other finishing jobs; systems for closing off, covering and other masonry, and foundations.
 A31 Understanding of construction pathologies, construction methods and techniques for conserving, restoring and renovation of civil work, foundations, structures and other structural and finishing work.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 B1 Adapt the learning objectives put forward by the teaching staff.
 B2 Transfer classroom exercises and the cases they have studied to real situations in other environments.
 B3 Analyze the risks and benefits of innovation.
 B4 Use data to take correct decisions.
 B6 Structure their presentations and comply with any requirements should there be any.
 B7 Understand the tools and the processes for applying criteria of sustainability to design and evaluate solutions.
 B8 Identify possible risks inherent to projects
Type C Code Learning outcomes
 C2 Understand the operating system as a hardware manager and the software as a working tool.
 C3 Critically evaluate information and its sources, and add it to their own knowledge base and system of values.
 C4 Produce written texts that are appropriate to the communicative situation

Topic Sub-topic
- INTRODUCTION TO GEOTHECNIA Analysis of the beginnings of geotechnics and examples
- SOIL MECHANICS Geotechnical characterization of the different types of existing soils
- ROCK MECHANICS Geotechnical characterization of the different types of rocks
- THE WATER TO THE LAND Operation of the water in the subsoil and general characteristics. Hydrogeology
- RESEARCH INTO SITU AND LABORATORY ASSAYS Analysis of the different types of existing research. General characteristics
- GEOLOGY AND GEOTHECNIA Relationship between geology and geotechnics. Geology and geotechnics in the Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre
- GEOLOGICAL RISKS AND LAND PATHOLOGIES Analysis of the different existing geological risks and associated pathologies of the land. Application examples.
- FOUNDATIONS Analysis of the typology of the foundations according to the geotechnical characteristics of the terrain. Application examples.
- LAND SUPPORT, CONTAINER STRUCTURES AND SLOPES Land scaling analysis and evaluation. Characterization of slopes. Application examples..
- GEOTECHNICAL STUDY Definition and construction of a geotechnical study. Examples in the Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 1 3
30 40 70
Personal attention
2 1 3
Practical tests
2 10 12
Multiple-choice objective tests
2 10 12
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Introductory activities Activities aimed at taking contact and collecting information about students and presenting the subject.
Lecture Sessions to explain and understand the different themes proposed throughout the course
Personal attention Personalized attention to the student in order to be able to conceive the exposed topics and proposed practical examples

Personalized attention
Personalized attention to the student in order to consolidate the teaching-learning of the concepts of the master sessions as well as others related to the subject directly or indirectly. Visits arranged with the teachers

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
Geotechnical evaluation exercises 50 %
Multiple-choice objective tests
Resolution geotechnical issues and specific problems 50 %
Other comments and second exam session

The evaluation of the subject will be done in the following way:

- Test type test with a practical problem to be solved at the end of the syllabus

-Two mandatory practical exercises throughout the course: 1st geotechnical assessment of an area (20%); 2nd resolution problem with geotechnical reasoning (30%)

Maximum delivery time: two weeks after your proposal.

Assessment of the subject:

50% partial tests and 50% problems to be solved during the course

Second call: in the case of not passing the continuous assessment course, a second call will be followed where the assessment will be carried out with the same course formula. In the case of not carrying out the practical exercises during the course, they will be proposed as supplementary or replacement to be resolved with a maximum period of 10 days

Sources of information

Basic Roset Piñol, Joaquim, Apunts de Geotècnia, 2016-2017, Moodle assignatura
González de Vallejo, Luis I., Ingenieria Geológica, 2002,
Braja M. Das, Principios de Ingeniería de Cimentaciones, 2006, Ed Thomson
González Caballero, Matilde, El Terreno, 2001, Ed. UPC
Varios autores ETSA Univ Navarra, Manual de Edificación. Mecánica de los terrenos y los cimientos, 2003, Ed. Dossat
Mañá Reixach, Fructuós, Patologies dels fonaments en l'edificació, 2008, Ed. UPC
J. A. Jiménez Salas, Geotecnia y Cimientos I, II y III, 1975, Ed. Rueda
Bielza Feliú, Ana, Manual de técnicas de Mejora del Terreno, 1999,
Ereas, Carlos, Ejercicios de Geotécnia y Cimientos, 1995, Ed. CICCP
Suriol, J; Lloret, A., Geotecnia. Reconocimiento del terreno, 1995, Ed. UPC
Torrijo, Fco Javier, Fonamentacions en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria geològica, 2011, Ed. UPV
Corominas Dulcet, J i altres, Riesgos geológicos, 1995, Ed. UPC
Anguita Virella, F., Procesos geológicos externos y geología ambiental, 1991, Ed. Rueda
Vilaplana, J; Copons, R; Escurer, J i altres, Riskat. Els riscos naturals a Catalunya, 2008, Generalitat de Catalunya
Vilaplana, J; Copons, R; Escurer, J i altres, Riskat. Els riscos naturals a Catalunya, 2008, Generalitat de Catalunya
Olivella, S.; Suriol, J.; Josa, A.; Navarro, V., Mecánica de Suelos. Problemas resueltos, 1997, Ed. UPC
Olios Martinez, Pedro J., Cimentaciones Superficiales. Diseño de zapatas, 2007, Ed. UVA
Couto, A,; López, M.J., Cimentaciones Superficiales y Estructuras de Contención. Teoria y ejercicios resueltos, 2003, Ed. Tórculo
Olivella, S.; Josa A.; Valencia F.J, Cimentaciones y estructuras de contención. Problemas resueltos, 1999, Ed. UPC
Portales Pons, Agustí, Sota rasant. Aspectes teòrics i pràctica constructiva, 2009, Ed. UPC
Torrijo Echarri, Fco Javier; Cortés Gimeno, Rafael, Cálculo geotécnico de cimentaciones, 2012, Editorial Académica Española

Complementary Torrijo, Fco Javier , Los suelos y las rocas en Ing. Geológica, 2007, Ed. UPV
Custodio, E., Hidrología Subterrána I i II, 2001, Ed. Omega
Sanz, Eugenio, Hidráulica Subterránea, 2013, Ed. Garceta
Valiente Ochoa, E.; , Manual del Ingeniero de edificación: guía para la inspección edílica, 2011, Ed. UPV
Serrano Alcudia, Fco, Patologia de la Edificación. El lenguaje de las grietas, 2005, Fundación Escuela de la Edificación
Cuanalo Campos, Oscar Andrés; Oliva González, Aldo Onel, Inestabilidad de laderas. Deslizamientos y factores desencadenantes, 2011, Editorial Académica Española
Cuanalo Campos, Oscar Andrés; Oliva González, Aldo Onel, Inestabilidad de laderas. Análisis geotécnico y evaluación de riesgos, 2012, Editorial Académica Española
Cuanalo Campos, Oscar Andrés; Oliva González, Aldo Onel; Gallardo Amaya, Romel, Inestabilidad de laderas. Procesos constructivos de estabilización, 2012, Editorial Académica Española
Logeais, Louis, Patología de las cimentaciones, 1984, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A.
Other sources of information with electronic resource will be provided throughout the course

Altres fonts d'informació amb recurs electrònic es facilitaran al llarg de l'assignatura


Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Other comments
It is recommended to have concepts on foundations, structures and construction processes in order to successfully consolidate the subject
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.