Subject (*) LEGAL ARCHITECTURE Code 22204134
Study programme
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Cycle 1st
Descriptors Credits Type Year Period
4 Compulsory Fifth 1Q
Department Predepartment Architecture Unit
General description and relevant information <div><p>The course is scheduled to be taught in person and this presence will be maintained if the regulations that may be issued by the health authorities and other competent bodies do not say otherwise, and the capacity requirements allow it. If there are changes they will be reported to the Moodle space of the subject.</p><p>Any activity of any person is framed in a context of actions and reactions, of causes and consequences. In the case of people who practice architecture, in addition, any activity can mark a future (even distant) and can have good results but also fatal consequences. Basic legislation and the resulting regulations try to control these causes to avoid the bad consequences. Do they always get it? At what price? In this course we will try to imagine the legal framework of a perfect world and compare it with the legal framework of the existing world.The course is scheduled to be taught in person and this presence will be maintained if the regulations that may be issued by the health authorities and other competent bodies do not say otherwise, and the capacity requirements allow it. If there are changes they will be reported to the Moodle space of the subject.</p></div>

Type A Code Competences Specific
 A21 Ability to apply technical and contruction regulations.
 A36 Knowledge of the deontology, professional associations, professional organization and civil responsibility in architecture.
 A40 Knowledge of real-estate appraisal and forensic methods.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A21 Understanding of the general regulatory framework governing the profession of architecture and application of the technical and constructive regulations.
 A36 Understanding of the profession's structure, professional associations, the organization of professional offices, deontological practice, civil responsibilty, and professional administrative and management procedures.
 A40 Applied knowledge of safety and hygiene in construction.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes

Topic Sub-topic
Sources of Law What is the origin of laws and regulations, or what is the system of coexistence that we have ended up building humans?
The Law has origins, and for each norm there is a reason.
We will discover them here.
The Legal and Institutional Framework in our environment The rules that govern our coexistence and activity also define, or are also defined by, a series of decision, application and control institutions.
Our framework of action is multiple: Europe, Spain, Catalonia and local entities, among others.
Social norms The coexistence between the people needs rules that empower the weak, stop the strong, and set limits to everyone according to the fact that we are Human. The rules of a complex and ever-changing game.
In the first month, this topic will be worked out, from an ideal point of view, by groups and teams. In the second month, it will be necessary to locate and analyze the specific regulations. In the second half of the quarter, the knowledge of this first half will be applied.
Territory and Environmental norms The activity as Architects implies our intervention in a specific field. Our needs and likes shosk against the needs of the territory and society. And, at the same time, we need securities in the day to day.
Mainly, all this happens in the environment in which we move.
In the first month, this topic will be worked out, from an ideal point of view, by groups and teams. In the second month, it will be necessary to locate and analyze the specific regulations. In the second half of the quarter, the knowledge of this first half will be applied.
Project norms The activity as Architects generates objects, destined to certain activities and people. Our achievements are in the way users will be within them.
Each created space is the cause of multiple consequences on whoever uses it and who is in it.
In the first month, this topic will be worked out, from an ideal point of view, by groups and teams. In the second month, it will be necessary to locate and analyze the specific regulations. In the second half of the quarter, the knowledge of this first half will be applied.
Expertise and forensic practise The recognition of the circumstances of an architectural or urban element is multiple: it can be building pathologies, economic conflicts or regulatory breaches.
In this practical work, an expert opinion (or forensic, according to the team) will be drafted by teams, who will have to defend their "client" without forgetting the truth.
Instruments for Strategic (urban) Planning The implantation in the Territory follows at the moment some norms. Our legislation provides for different instruments and different ways of working them.
A specific case will be drafted to each team so that they can be written during the second half of the semester.
Activity projects Mainly a matter of environmental police at present, but also with affectations in other areas (for example, of course, tax collection)
A specific case will be drafted to each team to write an activity project during the second half of the semester.

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Competences (*) Class hours
Hours outside the classroom
(**) Total hours
Introductory activities
2 1 3
3 3 6
Workshop (architecture)
12 24 36
Portfolio / Learning Guide
0.25 0.25 0.5
Personal attention
0.25 0.25 0.5
Practical tests
12 24 36
(*) On e-learning, hours of virtual attendance of the teacher.
(**) The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.


The rest of classes will begin promptly at the time it will be agreed on this first day.

We will assign the principles of the course (the first day of class and also, to save time, the Virtual Campus) to know the characteristics of the group.
The base with which students arrive is not the same according to the experience of each person, the previous studies, and the extra-university activities.
From there, work groups will be created and partial modifications will be proposed to the teaching program (to replace deficiencies and eliminate duplicities)
These introductory activities must also allow the interaction between each and every person in the group to begin.
Lecture Punctuality is requested.
A maximum of two master class sessions are expected to explain the legal framework in which we are in our western culture with Roman influences.
These sessions are made through slides that will also be available on the virtual campus for further consultation.

The creation of three large groups of debate and the creation of so many small 4-people teams expected as corresponding to the number of people enrolled in the Subject.
These discussion groups must prepare a proposal within their field of study:
- response to conflicts in relationships between people,
- response to the needs of users of buildings and spaces,
- response to the needs of the territory
The work teams must become a group of analysis of the tasks carried out in the four debate groups - and therefore they must be formed by one person from each group.
The teacher observes the groups debate and creates controversy
The debates are face-to-face. In the case of expatriate students, they must establish their discussion groups via Moodle.

Portfolio / Learning Guide Students will carry a virtual Learning Diary in which you will explain which things you discover.
Personal attention The personal resolution of doubts is possible at any time that students request it.
There are also several tools on the virtual campus.
It is intended that contact with the professor is a part of the subject and that the students can find enough support to carry out the degree.
This, however, without forgetting that this subject is one of the latest in the degree course and that, therefore, each student should feel ready to start their professional and personal life independently or independently.

Personalized attention
The fifth course is when the students are about to take the step towards their professional activity, autonomously. Personalized attention can not, therefore, in a fifth higher career level, replace the lack of technical knowledge, lack of intelligence, or emotional shortcomings - although there can always be an overdone cause that requires attention. The role of the teacher is to "accompany" and "orient" (but not "give" anything) to the students in their learning process and to know if they have achieved the ability to develop their graduate tasks (and, specifically, an architect) within the Society. For this reason, it is foreseen the review of a journal of the learning process that allows to know the processes for which students have passed throughout the course. The professor, on the other hand, must be available to students to resolve doubts and complaints, and to guide them in the process. The use of e-mail and the Virtual Campus messaging are available to students. The first day of class, in addition, will be established a telephone chain both to meet sudden requirements of students and to be able to warn of the professor’s overtime causes.

Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Master lectures are expected to develop alumns’ opinions and discuss them with the rest of the students or to expose them in the learning folder (depending on the subject).
Participation in assigned tasks is mandatory.
The evaluation of the Master Session is carried out through the different assessments to the debates that are generated in the Virtual Campus.
Workshop (architecture)
Participation in the workshop implies an intense debate with the rest of the students.
This debate result in conclusion documents, which are exposed to the rest of the groups.
On the part of the students involved, it also implies the obligation to explain their work process (Learning Folder)
Portfolio / Learning Guide
The evolution of the students can be valued week by week by the teacher through their Learning Diary (Learning Folder). This can mean added grades to the final one. 5
Practical tests
"Practical tests" mean for us those activities that the students carry out in the case study.
The assessment is carried out mainly among peers (peer to peer assessment) in groups and teams and in the class group.

The quality of presentations, spelling, the richness of language, the effort (not the capacity) of empathy with the work group, the harmony or balance between the different activities and tasks carried out .. .

Other comments and second exam session

Except in the section on compliance with the pactestablished in the "introductory activities", the weight of each ofthe other activities / evaluations must exceed half the weight possible to sum. This is a Continuous Assessment: It is important to attendclass ("virtual" class in the case of Erasmus out of Reus()), both inthe theoretical classes and in the workshops. The absence not justified to 20%of the sessions entails the impossibility of evaluating by work of course. It is considered possible, then, to be able to pass thesubject through the work done throughout the course, which must be exposed tothe rest of the students in the class. People who do not want to attend the class must announce itbefore beginning the course, as otherwise they would negatively affect their abandonedteams and work groups. In the case of not participating in the continuousevaluation, or in the case of not having failed, the final exam consists insolving a questionnaire that we would understand as a concentrate of"Development Tests" and "Practical Tests." The resolutionof this questionnaire would not be carried out during the examination time, butin a sufficient period to be able to work (outside the Faculty). Important: During the course, the formal characteristics ofthe documents to be presented will be defined. FreeMind is recommended for the generation of mental maps. The presentation of bibliography will be done, obligatorily,in telematic format (compatible with Zotero). Most tasks will be presented in Moodle in the correspondingformats of the wiki or other similar resources. The rest of the documentation must be presented in PDFaccording to composition criteria (margins, types, etc.) that will be definedduring the course. The text and drawing / image documents used must bepresented in the auxiliary folder. Documentation presented in invalid formatswill not be taken into account for evaluation. () ERASMUS STUDENTS or equivalent - students from Reus, expatriates during the course: theparticipation of the various work teams in parallel groups is expected to becommunicated through the virtual campus; the part corresponding to case studywill be carried out (with modifications adapted to the geographical area) inthe same way as the rest of the students and will be presented telematically;The "folder of learning" part remains identical. - Students from exchange, from other places and who willpass the course in Reus: theoretical sessions, as well as some workshopresults, are adapted to the Catalan legislative and legal reality - for thisreason it's proposed to the Exchange students the modification of theirparticipation to adopt the point of view of Comparative Law.

Sources of information

Basic , Código Técnico de la Edificación : (C.T.E.), , Madrid, Boletín Oficial del Estado
, Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación, , Madrid, Boletín Oficial del Estado
, Constitució Espanyola, 1978, Madrid, Boletín Oficial del Estado
, Llei Orgànica 6/2006 "Estatut d'Autonomia de Catalunya", 2006, Madrid, Boletín Oficial del Estado
, llei 7/1985, de 2 d'abril, Reguladora de les Bases del Règim Local, 1985, 2013, Madrid, Boletín Oficial del Estado
, Llei d'Urbanisme de Catalunya, (diverses), Barcelona, Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Cata
Comissió Europea, Estrategia Territorial Europea, 1999 (trad.), Generalitat de Catalunya
ed. Rovira i Ermengol, Josep, Usatges de Barcelona i Commemoracions de Pere Albert, 1933, reimpr. 1985, Barcelona: Barcino
, Reial decret Legislatiu 1/2001, del Text Refós de la Llei d'Aigües, 2001, Madrid, Boletín Oficial del Estado
Nacions Unides, Declaració Universal de Drets Humans, ,

Al llarg del curs caldrà emprar nombrosos texts legals (codi penal, codi civil, lleis de base, etc.) així com reglaments i codis normatius sobre diferents aspectes. Descobrir quins són aquests textos forma part de l'assignatura - i, per tant, no són bibliografia recomanada.

Qualsevol publicació que contingui notes o comentaris sobre la legislació esmentada és útil per entendre l'esperit d'aquesta legislació.

Complementary Cervera Diaz, M. , Manual práctico para elaboración de estudios de seguridad y salud en obras de edificación , 2001 , Sevilla; Fundación cultural del COAAT de Sevilla
Del Arco Torres, M.A.; Pons González, M., Derecho de la construcción, 2006, Granada; Comares
Encyclopedia of Governance, Bevir, Mark, 2007, Thousand Oakes, Calif.; SAGE
Introducció al Dret Local i Urbanístic de Catalunya, Fuentes i Gasó, J.R; Ballbé Mallol, M; Gifreu i Font, J; Renyer i alimbau, J; Sabaté i Vidal, J.M., 2001, València: Tirant lo Blanch
Introducció al Dret Local de Catalunya, Gifreu i Font, Judit, 2002, Rubí: Cedecs Ed.
Ordenació del territori i Sostenibilitat al Camp de Tarragona, González Reverté, F; Oliveras i Samitier, J., 2003, Reus: Fundació d'Estudis Socials i Nacionals Josep
Pensar el territori. Converses amb Albert Serratosa, Tort i Donada, J; Català Marticella, R., 2011, Barcelona: Dèria

En el moment de realitzar les pràctiques concretes, es parlarà de la bibliografia recomanada, segons les característiques de l'activitat - que es definirà després de les activitats introductòries en funció del seu resultat.


Subjects that continue the syllabus

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Other comments
In this subject, many activities are planned for teams or work groups. It is recommended, therefore, to every person to be able to describe themselves and be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, it is recommended to every person to participate actively in the discussions, either through a telematic forum, either via discussions in groups and work sessions. In the event that any person considers that they suffer inequality of opportunity respect to the rest of the students, due to the possible weak points that (supposedly) they may have, they must notify the teacher.
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.