ACTIVITATS INTRODUCTÒRIES - Course presentation: objectives, contents, methodology, course planning, assessment, bibliographical references and relation to the rest of the degree program - Instructions to carry out exercises, tasks and assignments - Feedback to whole group on work done and exams taken ACTIVITATS TEÒRIQUES Sessió Magistral - Presentation of course contents by means of explanation, exemplification and audiovisual aids - Students' active participation: questions and contributions ACTIVITATS PRÀCTIQUES [Pràctica Guiada] Debats - Analysis and discussion of texts representative of different types of writing - Discussion concerning organization and content of one's own and others' work Presentacions/Exposicions - Reading aloud of one's own and others' written work - Oral presentation of critical analysis of one's own and others' written work Resolució de Problemes/Exercicis a l'Aula Ordinària - Error identification and correction exercises - Grammar and vocabulary-related (remedial) exercises and activities - Linguistic analysis of one's own and others' written work ACTIVITATS PRÀCTIQUES [Pràctica Autònoma] Treballs - Compositions produced in class (individual) - Compositions produced as homework (individual) - Error identification and correction of one's own and others' written work (individual & group) - Analysis of texts representative of different types of writing (individual & group) Fòrums de Discussió - Discussion of course-related issues concerning course contents, course dynamics and students' progress Estudis Previs - Readings and analysis of texts representative of different types of writing - Error identification and correction exercises Resolució de Problemes/Exercicis - Error identification and correction exercises - Grammar and vocabulary-related (remedial) exercises and activities - Linguistic analysis of one's own and others' written work Pràctiques a Través de les TIC - Use of Moodle: discussion forums; questionaires; self-correction exercises ATENCIÓ PERSONALITZADA - Individual and group - Doubt-solving - Feedback - Work and exam revision - Check on students' progress - Advice on remedial work PROVES Proves de Desenvolupament - Composition writing Proves Objectives de Preguntes Curtes - Questions related to course contents Proves Pràctiques - Error identification and correction exercises - Grammar and vocabulary-related exercises