Tema Subtema
1. Canada 1.1.- Canada and its regions; centre-perifery tension
1.2.- Canada vis-à-vis Great Britain and the USA
1.3.- Main historical events
1.4.- First Nations
1.5.- Immigration and cultural complexities
1.6.- Socio-political system
2. Australia 2.1.- The cartography of the Pacific
2.2.- Historical background: Captain Cook's journeys.
2.3.- First penal colonies
2.4.- Aboriginal cultures: mythology, art, and tradition
2,5.- The clash of cultures: dispossession and massacres
2.6.- Present cultural readjustments
3. New Zealand 3.1.- Introduction to its geography and history
3.2.- The first European settlers
3.3.- Maori people: their concept of life, myths, and customs
3.4.- Inter-tribal Wars and Wars between Maoris and Europeans
3.5.- Decorative arts of the Maori people