Objectius Competències
To discover the sound system of the English language A4
To identify the sound units of the English language A4
To understand the basic processes of speech production, transmission and perception A9
To become aware of the differences between the phonological, phonetic and orthographic levels of description in English A7
To distinguish, from the point of view of production and perception, the vowels of General American English A4
To become familiar with the relevance of stress in English A4
To become familiar with the principels of phonemic transcription A14
To compare the differences between the sound system of English and those of Catalan/Spanish A14
To classify sound units A14
To appy the theoretical knowledge to improve pronunciation C1
To identify and correct bad pronunciation habits B1
To use electronic tools to access pronunciation models C2
To imitate sounds B1
To evaluate own pronunciation B4
To use pronunciation dictionaries C2
To organize time and content according to strict schedule B9
To take responsibility for regularly assigned exercises B12
To attend classes regularly B11
To participate actively in classes B5
To value self-discipline and importance of consistency in own work B13