Activitats Introductòries The first few classes will be based on an overview of the 19th Century through a power-point presentation of visual documents.
Sessió Magistral The lecture-based classes will introduce some of the major theoretical frameworks - important for the reading and understanding of the literature during the Victorian Age.
Seminaris The seminars will be based on the reading and analysis of texts and films.
Presentacions / exposicions Part of the evaluation system of the course depends on group presentations of texts. The class will be divided into small groups and each group will work together on a subject of their choice. The presentations will take place on Wednesdays. Details will be given during the course.
Treballs There will be a final written assignment at the end of the semester. You may choose a subject after consultation with me. The essay must follow the established guidelines (in your dossier). Please do not plagiarise! If you do, your assignment will not be valid for grading.