Activitats Introductòries Overview of course contents.
Explanation of course structure.
Explanation of course assessment.
Assignment of participants to observation sites.

Pràctiques externes (de camp/sortides) Participants will be expected to observe classes for a total of 30 hours --in both a high school and a E.O.I.
Participants will be expected to teach a total of 30 hours --in both a high school and a E.O.I.
Debats We will meet for a total of twenty five hours throughout the months of January, February, March and April. In these seminars learning will be co-constructed through interactions with each other and the course content. Class discussions and oral presentations will focus on subjects such as differentiating instruction, students’ assessment, and classroom management. As such, active participation will be very important.
Treballs Participants will a) write a reflective paper drawing on practicum observations, practicum teaching, readings, discussions and their personal experience; b) write diary entries to document the responses to the in-class discussions and material as well as the links to the observations and readings; c)have oral presentations; and d) develop lesson plans.