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General overview of the rise of imperialism in the 19th Century. * The shaping of the Empire.
* Transportation and industrialisation.
* The newspapers, museums, exhibitions, advertising.
* Science and Religion.
* Movements promising social reform
* Love, sex, marriage in the Victorian period.
Nation and nationalism: a social consciousness. Nationalism & gender politics. Nationalism, race & ethnicity. Burke, Carlyle, Dickens, Tennyson, Macaulay, Mary Shelley, Max Nordau.
The Victorian Self: the construction of "normal" through emerging psychological and scientific categories. * Mary Shelley: on first and last men.
* Robert Louis Stevenson: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde".
* Charlotte Brontë: The Real Mrs Rochester.
* John Ruskin: "On Queen's Gardens".
* Oscar Wilde: on the double in Dorian Gray.
* Bram Stoker: on the threat from the East, "Dracula".
Colonizers and the Colonized. * Rudyard Kipling
* Thomas Macaulay
* Rider Haggard
* Houston Chamberlain
* Joseph Conrad