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Proves de desenvolupament There will be 2 class tests (each test = 20%)during the course to determine how closely and how well you have understood the material. 40%

You will be asked to prepare a class seminar based on the readings or films. The subject should be one you will be working on for your Masters project. Please prepare a handout for your class mates, with questions you would like to raise for discussion and any other information you think will be important. Remember that you will have to initiate the discussion and motivate the others to join in. You will also have to "teach" them new material so make your seminar as interesting as possible by using power point, visual and textual materials. The power point presentation will have to be summarised as a written assignment and handed in one week after the class presentation. Power point presentation = 30%. Written summary = 30%.


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Guidelines will be given for your written assignments. It is essential that you do not plagiarise someone else's work, whether it is from the internet or the library. If you do, you will either be asked to repeat the assignment or take an extra exam before the module ends.