Tema Subtema
What is Humanism and in what way does it affect our perception of knowledge? * The "Great I Am": a metaphysical presence.
* Phallocentricity
* Decentering the Centre
Gender & Genre
* Defining "Genius".
* Acts of creativity.
* Defining the Author.
* Death of the Author.
Masculinities & Homophobia * Michel Foucault on Sexuality & Power
* 19th Century homophobia
Sexual Dissidence according to Jonathan Dollimore * Centred and Decentred Desires: Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray".
Gay, Lesbian and Queer politics * Constructions of subjectivities
Lesbian Writing: Subjectivity and Desire. * Jeanette Winterson, "Written On the Body"
Epistemology of the Closet Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
Reading and Writing from a Slant A Selection of Poetry and Short Stories