Activitats Introductòries The first session introduces the subject, describing the objectives, schedule, and how the course will be assessed.
Sessió Magistral The teacher explains the units of the course.
Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques The students have to develop a cryptographic protocol.

The practice will be done in groups of two.
Presentacions / exposicions The students have to prepare a presentation related with the subject contents.

The presentation will be done in groups of two.
Resolució de problemes, exercicis Problem solving, exercises
Atenció personalitzada Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms:

The students can ask questions related with the subject to the teacher. They can do their questions in class, to his office in office hours, through email, or Moodle.


The students can ask questions related with the subject to the teacher. They can do their questions in class, to his office in office hours, through email, or Moodle.