Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques
The students have to develop a cryptographic protocol.

The practice will be done in groups of two.

The practical work must have a minimum of five to pass the course.
Presentacions / exposicions
The students have to perform an oral presentation about an advanced cryptographic primitive.

The presentation will be done in groups of two.

They must obtain a minimum of five to pass the course.
Proves de desenvolupament
There are two written test.

The first test comprises the following units: theoretical and mathematical aspects of cryptology, advanced cryptographic schemes, advanced digital signatures.

The second test comprises the following units: secure multiparty computation, quantum cryptography.

Both written tests have the same weight, i.e. a 30% each of them.

Passing both tests is required to pass the course.
Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Students who do not pass the subject in the continuous assessment have to carry out a examination on the second call, and deliver the practice. The exam will consist of three parts, corresponding to the three parts of the course:

First part: advanced cryptographic primitives;

Second part: theoretical and mathematical aspects of cryptology, advanced cryptographic schemes, advanced digital signatures.

Third part: secure multiparty computation, quantum cryptography.

Each part is scored out of 10 points. The students have to obtain at least 4 in each of the parts to pass the examination, and the weighted sum of the three parts must be greater than 5 points (first part 14%, second part 43% and third part 43%).

The practice must have a minimum of five to pass the course. Otherwise, the students can no pass the course.

Students may not bring any electronic devices on the written tests.