Tema Subtema
Tenses Present continuous vs present simple
Past simple vs present perfect
Past continuous vs past simple
Past perfect vs past simple
Present perfect continuous vs present perfect
Past perfect continuous, past perfect vs past continuous
Present vs past time: review
The future Will and be going to
Present simple and present continuous for the future
Future continuous and future perfect (continuous)
Be to + infinitive; be about to + infinitive
Other ways of talking about the future
The future seen from the past
Modals and semi-modals Can, could, be able to and be allowed to
Will, would and used to
May and might
Must and have (got) to
Need(n’t), don’t need to and don’t have to
Should, ought to and had better
Linking verbs Be, appear, seem; become, get, etc.
Passives Forming passive sentences
Forming passive sentences: verb + -ing or to-infinitive
Using passives
Reporting with passives; It is said that...
Verb complementation: what follows verbs Verbs, objects and complements
Verb + two objects
Verb + -ing forms and infinitives
Reporting Reporting people’s words and thoughts
Reporting statements: that-clauses
Verb + wh-clause
Tense choice in reporting
Subjunctive Should in that-clauses; the present subjunctive
If I were you ...; imagine he were to win