Bàsica Hewings, Martin, Advanced Grammar in Use, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press

L'article esmentat a dalt és material indispensable per als cursos Llengua Anglesa 1 i 2. Els estudiants haurien d'assegurar-se que l'adquireixen amb les respostes i, opcionalment, amb CD-ROM.

Basic bibliography for the theory sessions:

  • Foley, M. & Hall, D. (2003). Advanced learners’ grammar. Pearson ELT.
  • Huddleston, R. & Pullum, G. (2005). A Student’s Introduction to English Grammar. New York: CUP. 
  • Quirk et al. (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language. London: Longman. 
  • Quirk et al. (1990). A student’s grammar of the English language. London: Longman. 

Other useful sources

  • Haynes, S. & Nettle, M. Advanced Grammar in Use (Supplementary Exercises): CUP.
  • Parrot, M. 2000. Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. 
  • Swan, M. Practical English Usage.Oxford: OUP.
This material will be supplemented, during the course, with other sources of information, exercises, presentations and tests created by the course instructors, as well as useful links to online materials.