Tema Subtema
1. The importance of public speaking - Talking in Public
- Famous speeches for practice.
2. Types of presentations - Purpose of presentations in academic and professional contexts: to transmit knowledge, to report an event, to make an announcement, to influence your audience.
- Examples of presentations for practice.
3. Planning your presentation CONTENT
-Choosing your topic and the title, analyzing your audience, defining the purpose, identifying sources and adjusting materials to the time allotted and your audience.
- Examples of presentations / speaking situations.
4. Organization and structure of a presentation ORGANIZATION
- Creating an outline, creating a strong Introduction, main body of speech, creating a powerful Conclusion, Question and Answer period.
- Practice on Introductions, transitions for the body of speech and Conclusions.
- Mistakes to avoid.
- Identifying mistakes in academic presentations.
5. Pronunciation DELIVERY
- Unfamiliar vocabulary
- Speed
- Rhythm
- Pausing and linking
- Intonation and hesitation
- Practice on common mispronounced words in English, rhythm, weak and strong forms, and connected speech.
6. Grammar DELIVERY
- Formal written vs. formal spoken language
- Sentence length, subordination, modification, voice, determiners
- Common grammar mistakes when speaking in public.
7. Vocabulary and Signposting Expressions DELIVERY
- Basic signposts to guide the audience
- Connectors
8. Visual aids, graphs and charts DELIVERY
- Types of visuals
- Commenting on visuals
- Introducing visuals
- Highlighting and commenting
- Interpreting visuals
- Describing change and development in visuals
9. Pragmatics DELIVERY
- Body language: making meaning with gesture
- Register: levels of formality
- Gender inclusive language
10. Handling the Question and Answer Period EFFECT
- Asking questions
- Answering questions
- Practice on the Q & A period