Metodologies Competències Descripció Pes        
Presentacions / exposicions
ORAL PRESENTATION: This consist of a group presentation. Assessment will be based on Content, Structure, Delivery and Fluency. Please look at Moodle for full instructions on how to do your Oral Presentation. 25%
Proves de desenvolupament
TWO CLASS ESSAYS: During the course you will be asked to write 2 essays and one worksheet style task, either in class or at home. 45%
Proves objectives de tipus test
TESTS: There will be two tests on the theory input through the semester. The tests will assess how much you have understood and learned from the theoretical topics discussed and analysed in class, through Powerpoint presentations. 30%

Through the course, students will be invited to the Forum de Dubtes on specific issues arising from class discussions. These contributions will be voluntary, and if of sufficient length and quality, will earn extra points, usually 1 point per contribution, to the overall continuous assessment mark. These points are in addition to the CA total, as specified in the activities listed above.

Altres comentaris i segona convocatòria

Final exam/Segona convocatòria: exam. Pass mark: 50%

It will consist of a series of short theoretical questions, exercises in which you will analyse short texts and essay questions on the narrative text, the drama text, and the film text.