Tema Subtema
The Colonial Period The Native American oral tradition
Puritan writing and its ideals
Captivity narratives: Mary Rowlandson
The Independence Period Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine: political writings
Benjamin Franklin
Developing an American identity: James Fenimore Cooper
The Romantic Period and Transcendentalism American Romanticism vs European Romanticism
Emerson and Thoreau - 'Civil Disobedience'
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the Scarlet Letter
Edgar A. Poe
Herman Melville

Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman, two 'American' poets
Realism and Regionalism Writing after the Civil War. Emergence of Realism and Regional writers:
Mark Twain
Ambrose Bierce
Kate Chopin
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Setphen Crane
Willa Cather
Postmodernism Writing post World War 2: Feminism and Civil Rights: representatives of different American ethnicities
Saul Bellow
Toni Morrison
Carson McCullers
Maxine Hong Kingston
Sandra Cisneros
Ray Bradbury
Ursula Leguin
Bob Dylan