Activitats Introductòries Preliminary lectures and readings will be given to present the basic literary constituents that conform a play and a film script. The lectures and readings will be followed by full class discussions.
Sessió Magistral Lectures will be based on the reading material of texts and the assigned texts for analysis and discussion. They will highlight the main ideas and concepts that contribute to the analysis of a play and a film script.
Seminaris Seminars (practical classes) will encourage group discussion of the specified text, and will allow students to practice the analysis of example texts, along the theoretical lines proposed in the theory classes. In order to participate fully, students must come to the seminars already familiar with the text under consideration. Texts to be discussed will be announced in the Course Timetable (available on Moodle)
Treballs Students will be asked to present written assignments, which may be required to be written in class, on a specific day, or at home. Each assignment will be about a specific texts, or part thereof, and will allow the student to show their ability to apply the theory presented in the lecture to the practical analysis of texts.
Atenció personalitzada Srudents who need help are welcome to stop at my office