Assignatures que es recomana haver cursat prèviament
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Es recomana que els estudiants que cursen aquesta assignatura hagin cursat prèviament l'assignatura "Anglès Intermedi" perquè aquesta assignatura és una continuació de l'anterior i els continguts d'"Anglès intermedi" es donen per sabuts. Academic Plagiarism: You must do your own work throughout the course. If it is determined that you have plagiarized a task, you will receive a zero for the assignment. If the instructor finds that your course project has been plagiarized from the Internet or from other sources, in part or in its entirety, you will receive a zero for the project and will NOT be able to give the oral presentation. Besides, the Dean of Academic Affairs for our College of Tourism and Geography Studies will also be notified. Remember that academic plagiarism is a serious academic offense.