Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d`Enginyeria
A A 

Study programmes

1st Cycle
Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Gestió (1998)
Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Sistemes (1998)
Enginyeria Tècnica en Telecomunicacions, Especialitat en Telemàtica (2003)
Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial especialitat en Electricitat (2002)
Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial especialitat en Electrònica Industrial (2002)

2nd Cycle
Enginyeria en Automàtica i Electrònica Industrial (1998)
Enginyeria Informàtica (1997)


Since 2003-2004, ETSE has had a Campus Library, which is also used by ETSEQ and the Faculties of Oenology, Chemistry, and Psychology and Education Sciences. 

The stock of engineering books consists of 22,000 monographs, 360 periodicals, 1,800 final projects, and a variety of other materials in digital format: books and periodicals, theses, etc.

All the students matriculated at ETSE can consult and take out documents under the conditions envisaged in the Regulation of the URV's Library and Documentation Service, both from the Sescelades Campus Library and the other URV libraries.  Students will be provided with the necessary URV card at the beginning of the academic year.

The Library is open:

(During exam periods and for fifteen weekends, the opening hours are extended to cover the weekends from 10.00 to 23.45).


For further information about all the library's services, consult SESCEWEB:  http://www.etse.urv.es/bibweb/