Guia docent 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
  Descripció Pes
Seminaris The seminar sessions will be based on the study (discussion, debate, analysis) of specific topics. Students will be asked to prepare readings or discussions beforehand (from suggested topics or from the “Set course readings”). Seminar work and participation is an essential part of the final grade.

Presentacions / exposicions Individual research work or assignments will be presented in class, preferably with AV or computer support.
Although all students will be encouraged to work on an individual research project; class presentations will not be compulsory.

Pràctiques a través de TIC en aules informàtiques An important part of the course assessment will be based on practical sessions. These will be related to the course topics and will be conducted in computer rooms, whenever possible, under teacher's supervision.
Attendance and participation in practical sessions is compulsory.
Treballs Individual research work in the form of essay or assignment.
No personal research work will be assessed unless it has undergone TWO formal tutorials. Individual work will be assessed in two parts: written part: 25%, presentation 25% of the total mark)
15%/ 20%
Atenció personalitzada Individual tutorials will provide an opportunity to discuss students' work with the course tutor on a one-to-one basis.
Proves objectives de preguntes curtes There will be a non-compulsory, mid-term test. Students attaining 60% of the total mark of the test will not be obliged to take the full exam at the end of term. 30% (non- compulsory)

End of term examination. Class attendance (5 %) and participation (5%) are essential course requirements.


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Course –work will be set periodically by the teacher. Exercises, presentations and assignments will be completed and sent/handed in to the teacher according to a set calendar. NO COURSE-WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED BEYOND DEADLINES