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Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Tema Subtema
1 Introduction to the period: The Turn of the Century – the Edwardian period The Poetry of Thomas Hardy
Poetry of World War One The Poetry of W. Owen
James Joyce 'The Dead' from 'Dubliners'
Modernist Poetry Essays and Poetry of T.S.Eliot. 'Tradition and Individual Talent' and 'Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'.
Modernist Fiction Virginia Woolf: 'Mrs Dalloway' and extracts from other writings.
The Thirties The Poetry of W.H.Auden
The Fifties The Poetry of Philip Larkin
The Sixties The Plays of Joe Orton: 'Loot'
Postmodern Fiction Short Stories by Angela Carter, Penelope Lively, Martin Amis & and Julian Barnes' novel: 'Flaubert's Parrot'
The Nineties 'The New Poetry' - how 'new' is it?
Poetry by Tom Leonard, Tony Harrison, Fleur Adcock, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Benjamin Zephaniah, David Constantine, Paul Farley etc