Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 

Study programmes

1st Cycle
Grau en Història
Grau en Història de l'Art

2nd Cycle
Antropologia Social i Cultural (2001)
Periodisme (2004)

1st & 2nd Cycle
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Filologia Catalana (2001)
Filologia Hispanica (2001)
Geografia (2001)
Historia (2001)
Història de l'Art (2001)
Publicitat i Relacions Publiques (2001)


Student Information Officer

The student information officer (BACU) can be found in the computer room on the ground floor. His/her function is to provide students with information and advice on a variety of topics: looking for a flat or a job, academic doubts, how the University or Faculty services function, etc. In short, the BACU tries to help students with anything he/she can.

Telephone: 977 55 87 17

E-mail: bacufll@urv.cat