Educational guide 
Facultat de Lletres
A A 

Study programmes

1st Cycle
Grau en Història
Grau en Història de l'Art

2nd Cycle
Antropologia Social i Cultural (2001)
Periodisme (2004)

1st & 2nd Cycle
Filologia Anglesa (2001)
Filologia Catalana (2001)
Filologia Hispanica (2001)
Geografia (2001)
Historia (2001)
Història de l'Art (2001)
Publicitat i Relacions Publiques (2001)

Aules específiques

Specific classrooms

Computer rooms

Located in building 1, ground floor and 1st floor (plaça Imperial Tàrraco, tel. 977 55 87 17) and on the 2nd floor of the Seminary building (carrer Sant Pau, 4)

Opening hours: from 9 am to 3 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm



The computer room is for students of the Faculty of Arts

·         You must provide proof that you are a URV student (student's card or photocopy of your matriculation form).

·         You can only use a computer for two hours at a time, although this period can be extended by periods of one hour if nobody is waiting.

·         Smoking is not allowed in the computer room.

·         Please turn down the volume of your mobile phone as low as possible.

·         The computer room is a place to work (Word, Internet, etc.). Please do not chat.

·         Should you have any queries, please ask the student in charge.


Multimedia room

Located in building 1, ground floor


Self-access centre

Located in building 3, 1st floor     Tel: 977 55 81 23

Opening hours: from 9 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm


Study room

Located in building 3, 1st floor