Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 

Study programmes

Degree of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Degree of Chemistry (2009)

Nutrition and Metabolism (2007)
Nutrition and Metabolism (2010)
Polymers and Biopolymers (2007)
Theoretical and Computacional Chemistry (2007)
Theoretical and Computacional Chemistry (2010)
Synthesis and Catalysis (2009)
Applied Chromatographic Techniques (2010)

1st & 2nd Cycle
Chemistry (1992)

2nd Cycle
Biochemistry (1995)

Janitor’s office

Ubicació: planta 1a de l'edifici principal.

Horari d'atenció al públic: de 7:30h a 22:00h de dilluns a divendres.

Telèfon: 977 55 86 00

Més informació: http://www.fq.urv.cat/facultat/consergeria.html