Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)
  Description Weight
Mixed tests The evaluation system of the course aims to measure student’s learning in this field of knowledge and assess their ability to reason, integrate and relate. To this end, the evaluation will be ongoing and will be assessed from the results of three continuous assessments tests (CAT). Attendance, attitude in class and participation in the activities of virtual campus will be also assessed (10%).

CAT1: Objective test that will take place after having completed topic 1 and 2. The note represents 20% of the final grade.

CAT2: Theoretical-practical exercise which includes the development of a theme- that will be assigned the first day of class-. The note represents 20% of the final grade.

CAT3: Last test that constitutes 50% of the final grade. This is an objective test of multiple choice questions and development of subject contents (Topic 1-8). CAT3 will be conducted according to the established test schedule.
Other comments and second exam session

The subject has only one call.

During the exams, all devices that aren't authorized for the test must be switched off and stored. Performing a fraudulent activity during an exam, including material, virtual or electronic support will lead to the failing of the test. With independence of this, taking into account the gravity of the facts, the centre will propose the initiation of disciplinary expedient which will be initiated according to the resolution of the rector.