Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)

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Students will need basic knowledge of metabolism and food composition in a Mediterranean Diet setting. Other recommendations - Knowledge of computer science at the user level - Knowledge of the English language (oral and scientific) since there are conferences that are taught in English. - Knowledge of bibliographic search Further recommendations This option is offered to students of the European EIT HEALTH program whose University of Barcelona is a member. This fact offers the reciprocal opportunity that the students of the Master's of Development and Innovation of the UB can participate in the academic advantages offered by the EIT-Health. "DIET & HEALTH: Mediterranean and Nordic diet. Different dietary patterns in the promotion of healthy living habits". Included in the Master of Food Development and Innovation, this course provides an opportunity for students to acquire the necessary knowledge about current scientific evidence that supports the benefits of a healthy dietary pattern based on the role of nutrients typical of the Mediterranean diet And Nordic. As well as knowing examples of innovation success in the food industry. Among the prominent professors participating in the program we highlight Jim kaput (Nestlé Research), who will present examples of innovative foods applied to personalized nutrition, Francisco Tomás-Barberán (CSIC), will talk about the importance of research in Food Innovation , Rikard Landberg (Uppsala, Sweden) and Prof. Emilio Ros, will present the latest developments in the Nordic diet and the Mediterranean, respectively, as examples of healthy dietary patterns. Cristina Andrés-Lacueva, will present the evidence of healthy eating in the elderly, Mireia Urpí-Sardà, will demonstrate the clear effect of diet in the prevention of diabetes and Prof. Castillo (Granada University) will further reveal the importance of Take care of all those aspects that are not diet.