Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Lipids in foods. Lipids in foods (2h). Acylglycerols and fatty acids. Functional properties: texture and flavour. Interactions with macromolecules and water. Influence on technological processes (Josep Boatella).
2. Other lipid components. Other lipid components (2h). Sterols, stanols, tocopherols and carotenoids: use, biological effects and safety (Magda Rafecas).
3. Effects of lipid oxidation on food quality and health. Effects of lipid oxidation on food quality and health (2h). Lipid oxidation in food: consequences and prevention. Formation and content of oxidation compounds with biological effects in food. Absorption, in vivo formation and oxidation compounds content in the human body. Role of lipid oxidation compounds on degenerative diseases (Francesc Guardiola).
4. Quality and quantity of lipids in food. Strategies to modify the lipid content and composition of food. Quality and quantity of lipids in foods. Consumption and acceptability. Strategies to modify the lipid content and composition of food (2h). Reduction of calories: fat substitutes. Modification of the lipid composition using technology, genetic modification and animal diet (Josep Boatella).