Educational guide 
Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology
A A 

Study programmes

Double degree in Infant Education and Primary Education (2013)
Bachelor's Degree in Infant Education (2009)
Bachelor's Degree of Infant Education (2009) (Campus Terres de l'Ebre)
Bachelor's Degree in Infant Education (2009) (Seu Baix Penedès)
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (Campus Terres de l'Ebre) (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Social Education (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (2009)

Master's degree
Cognitive Science and Language (2006)
Teacher Train. for Second. Ed. and Vocation. Trainig & Lang. Stud. (2009)
Health Psychology (2014)
Educational Technology: e-Learning and Knowledge Management (2012)

Photocopy service

Copisteria Campus Sescelades

  Horari: de dilluns a divendres

Fins el 22/09 de 8.30 a 18.30

A partir del 25/09: de dilluns a divendres:

Matins de 8.30 a 14.00

Tardes de 16.00 a 18.30

Telèfon: 977 55 82 18
