Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (english) (2017)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 A1 To know the basic aspects of the X-ray interaction with crystalline matter. Fundamental laws and applications of X-ray diffraction.
To know the basic aspects of crystalline matter. Periodicity and crystalline systems. The real network and the reciprocal network. Nomenclature corresponding to points, directions and planes.
To know the basic aspects of the symmetry of finite objects. The crystallographic point groups and the terminology of Hermann-Mauguin of the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography).
To know the basic aspects of the symmetry of finite and periodic objects. To know the basics of crystallographic space groups and the IUCr H-M terminology.
To know the main methods of characterization of crystalline materials by R-X diffraction.
To know the relationship between point group and space group of a crystalline material. To know how to apply point symmetry to the morphology of crystals and how to extract information from it.
To know how to calculate geometric values, distances and bond angles. Angles between directions and distances between planes, in different crystalline systems.
To know how to obtain the space symmetry group from an ordered three-dimensional atomic distribution. To obtain the characteristics of the atomic positions from of the space group.
 A3 To know the basic aspects of the X-ray interaction with crystalline matter. Fundamental laws and applications of X-ray diffraction.
To know the main methods of characterization of crystalline materials by R-X diffraction.
To know how to obtain the space symmetry group from an ordered three-dimensional atomic distribution. To obtain the characteristics of the atomic positions from of the space group.
 A9 To know the basic aspects of the X-ray interaction with crystalline matter. Fundamental laws and applications of X-ray diffraction.
To know the main methods of characterization of crystalline materials by R-X diffraction.
To know the relationship between point group and space group of a crystalline material. To know how to apply point symmetry to the morphology of crystals and how to extract information from it.
To know how to calculate geometric values, distances and bond angles. Angles between directions and distances between planes, in different crystalline systems.
To know how to obtain the space symmetry group from an ordered three-dimensional atomic distribution. To obtain the characteristics of the atomic positions from of the space group.
 A12 To know the basic aspects of the X-ray interaction with crystalline matter. Fundamental laws and applications of X-ray diffraction.
To know the basic aspects of the symmetry of finite objects. The crystallographic point groups and the terminology of Hermann-Mauguin of the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography).
To know the main methods of characterization of crystalline materials by R-X diffraction.
To know how to calculate geometric values, distances and bond angles. Angles between directions and distances between planes, in different crystalline systems.
To know how to obtain the space symmetry group from an ordered three-dimensional atomic distribution. To obtain the characteristics of the atomic positions from of the space group.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
Type C Code Learning outcomes