Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (english) (2017)
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. Crystalline state. the Direct lattice the reciprocal lattice. Seven Crystalline Systems. IUCr Terminology. IUCr
(International Union on Crystallography)
Periodicity. Periodic vectors.Unit-cell. Parameters. Crystalline Sytems. Unit-cell volum. The direct lattice. The reciprocal lattice. Point, direction and plane in Crystallography.
Miller índices of planes. Lattice calculations: distances between points; distances between the planes of the family (hkl); angles between direct rows and reciprocal rows.
Topic 2. Symmetry operations in Crystal lattice. Symmetry of finite objects. Crystallographic Point groups. Classification according to crystalline systems. Notation. Symmetry of finite objects. Crystallographic Point groups. Symmetry of crystals as finite objects. Symmetry operations theorem. Notation by Hermann-Mauguin of the IUCr. (International Union of Crystallography). Stereographic projection.
Topic 3. Description of a crystalline structure. Symmetry of infinite periodic objects. Crystallographic space groups. Notation by Hermann-Mauguin of the IUCr. Description of a crystalline structure. Symmetry of infinite periodic objects. Crystallographic space groups. Notation
by Hermann-Mauguin from the IUCr.
Symmetry of crystalline lattices. Tha Bravais lattices. Symmetry elements with slip. Glides planes and screw axes.
Topic 4. X-ray Diffraction. XR Interaction with crystalline matter. Gometrical Laws of elastic diffraction. X-ray Diffraction. XR Interaction with crystalline matter. Gometrical Laws of elastic diffraction. Ewald's sphere. Law of Bragg. Intensity of the diffracted radiation and structure factor. Influence of the symmetry of the crystal over the
intensities of diffracted radiation.
Topic 5. Techniques for the characterization of crystalline solids by XR diffraction Techniques to characterize crystalline solids by XR diffraction:
Description of the main techniques of XRD. XRD by a crystal. XRD of polycrystalline materials. Applications and examples.