Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (english) (2017)
   Sources of information
Basic M. Aguiló, Cristallography, Material Moodle, , Tarragona,1981-2018
M. Aguiló, Crystallography. Exercixes, Problems and Practices, Material Moodle, , Tarragona,1981-2018
Hammond, C., The basics of crystallography and diffraction, IUCr Texts on Crystallography, IUcr- Oxford Science Pu., 1997
J.J Rousseau, Basic Crystallography, ,

Complementary Ed by Theo Hahn, International tables for Crystallography, Fourth Revised Edition, The international Union of Crystallography,
S. Galí, Cristal·lografia. Teoria Reticular, grups puntuals i Grups espacials, ,
X. Solans, Introducció a la Cristal·lografia, ,