Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
discussion on the blackboard by the students of the exercises previously assigned 25%
Written report on a topic related to the synthesis of an organic compound or to a synthetic strategy. 25%
Short-answer objective tests
Written test consisting of short practical questions. It is necessary to score at least 4 out of 10 to be able to average among the evaluative activities. 50%
Other comments and second exam session

The exams will be held in person. In case of lockdown or mobility restrictions caused by the Covid-19 health emergency, the assessment activities, including exams, would be done online on the scheduled dates. Updated information can be found on Moodle (virtual teaching space).

Assessment activities must be planned in order to be carried out in a mixed or online mode in the event of lockdown.

1st call:

It is necessary to score at least 4 out of 10 in the short-answer objective test to be able to average among the evaluative activities.

2nd call:

Only the test of short practical questions (50%) can be resited. The scores on the on-class exercises (25%) and the assignment (25%) will be those published on 1st call.

It is not allowed to use or have communication and data transmission devices during the tests. It is not allowed to use programmable/alphanumeric calculators during the tests.

Evident fraudulent behavior during any assessment activity (tests or others), including virtual environment, will carry a penalty for the student (failing grade). Independently, depending on the gravity of the facts, the faculty can accuse the student and open a disciplinary file, which will be resolved by the rector.