Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Applied Chromatographic Techniques (2010)
  Description Weight
Assignments Answering some questions related to two scientific papers 20%
Problem solving, exercises Answering a question list related to the contents of teh subject in order to achieve the learning aims 30%
Extended-answer tests Face-to-face exam of general knowledge of the subject 50%
Other comments and second exam session

- The attendance to the lectures is compulsory and to pass the subject is it necessary to attend at least 80% of teh lectures.

- All the assessment activites are compulsory and to pass the sbuject it is necessary a minimum mark of 4 in each activity

- The qualification of the subject will be obtained taking into account the weigth of each assessment activity.

During the face-to-face tests. teh mobile phones, tablets and other equipment not authorized must be disconnected.