Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Industrial Engineering (2013)
   Learning outcomes
Type A Code Learning outcomes
 G7 Identifica i desenvolupa, de forma creativa i autònoma, una idea innovadora.
Utilitza coneixements i habilitats estratègiques per a la creació i gestió de productes i idees innovadores en el camp de les tecnologies industrials dins del marc normatiu vigent.
 G8 Coneix les tècniques i procediments utilizats en el disseny i implementació d'un procés de innovació per part d' una organització.
Coneix com s'organitzen i gestionen els processos innovadors en una empresa de base tecnològica.
Type B Code Learning outcomes
 CT1 Planifica i desenvolupa de forma autònoma, organitzada i científica el projecte.
Genera un document científic en estructura i continguts.
 CT2 Search for and find information autonomously using criteria of importance, reliability and relevance, which is useful for creating knowledge
Organise information with appropriate tools (online and face-to-face) so that it can be updated, retrieved and processed for re-use in future projects.
 CT6 Develop a professional attitude.
Analyse the professional environment of their speciality.
 CT7 Be aware of gender and other inequalities in their activity as a URV student.
Analyse the major environmental problems from the perspective of their field of expertise in their student and/or professional activity.
Be able to give arguments based on social values and make proposals for the improvement of the community.
Be personally and professionally committed to applying the ethical and deontological concepts of their field of expertise.
Type C Code Learning outcomes