Educational guide 
Faculty of Nursing
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Nursing (2016)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom
Class Attendance (5%).

Health related English exercises (20%).

Active participation in classroom's activities (10%).

Presentations / oral communications
Oral and written case presentation:

"Our body" ( 15%)

"Role play" (20%)
Mixed tests
Final test 30%

To participate as "host students"during international visits.

Other comments and second exam session

The exams will be held on site. Due to the health emergency, in case of confinement or restrictions on mobility, the assessment activities, including exams, would be done online on the scheduled dates. You will be able to check the updated information in the Moodle space of each subject. The evaluation activities are planned to combine in-class and online teaching in case of confinement. In accordance with article 21 of the academic regulations, during the evaluation activities the use or possession of communication and data transmission devices will be limited during the performance of the tests and must be complied by the student. Mobile phones, tablets and other devices not expressly authorized by the test must be switched off and out of sight.

The demonstratively fraudulent realization of any evaluative activity of any subject with material, virtual and/or electronic support, will be a FAIL in that evaluative activity. Regardless of this, given the seriousness of the facts, the center may propose the initiation of a disciplinary proceeding, which will be initiated by the Rector's resolution. In the event that situations of plagiarism or impersonation are detected, the corresponding disciplinary proceedings will be opened.This subject is evaluated in a continous manner.

Attendance, attitude and participation will be assessed.
Timely and accurate delivery of all the work will be taken into account.
The final test will combine short, objective and development questions.
The final grade is the average of all the activities proposed during the course (attendance, exercises in class, homework, oral presentations and final test).
An oral presentation of a subject related to International Nursing will give the student a second opportunity to pass his/her evaluation.